[-] [email protected] 45 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Too young for the concept of doing work in exchange for something? No, I don’t think so. There’s no minimum age to learn how to do something, for the most part, if the interest is there.

However, those lower-wage jobs tend to be where a lot of the worker rights abuse tends to happen, and I absolutely think it’s way too young for them to realize if/when it’s happening, or to be in a position to properly defend themselves if they do. Sure, parental guidance and all, but let’s say my experience working with all kinds of parents in day camps, as a ski instructor and in elementary schools, didn’t make me very optimistic about a lot of them really being in a position to protect their children at work.

I’ve also honestly yet to really see it happening where it has 0 impact on their schooling, but that’s rather anecdotal…

[-] [email protected] 64 points 2 weeks ago

LLMs don’t know if what they’re telling you is true or not, out of the box. It’s gonna give you an answer that statistically looks like a sequence of words that should come in response to the sequence of words (the prompt) you gave it. It doesn’t know what the words you said mean, and it doesn’t know what it answered means either. One of my favorite interactions I’ve had with Claude shows this limitation quite well…

How many r's are there in the word strawberry?

There are 2 r's in the word "strawberry".

Are you sure?

You're right to ask for confirmation. I apologize for my mistake in the previous response. Let me correct that:

There is actually only 1 'r' in the word "strawberry".

Thank you for prompting me to double-check. It's important to provide accurate information.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 1 month ago

I was raised in a relatively high wealth family. Not personal jet rich, but still rich enough that we were going on vacation to fancy places a lot, dad had pretty cars, a big house, we went on ski trips, and played golf, etc. My wife was raised by a single mother with a more or less absentee father, working where she could to raise her two girls.

I already knew I was lucky and privileged, my parents kept telling my siblings and I, but it never really registered to me just how much. The skill I learned a lot about is empathy, I think.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 2 months ago

I’m always curious as to what these “don’t bother coming at me” comments are actually supposed to achieve. What is the point of making a public statement, and preemptively dismissing discussion as “bots” in one fell swoop? Is it just you venting out or something?

[-] [email protected] 55 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I honestly don’t think that’s the case. Generational divides aren’t that strongly defined that they have a specific cutoff date and time, people don’t really agree on exact moments. Some people who were born after said cutoff are better described by the previous generation, and vice-versa. For example, if you go strictly by date of birth, by most definitions of the term, my father is a (very late) boomer, but his life experience is much more similar to what defined Gen X’ers.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 3 months ago

C could be “C-Men”

Has a nice ring to it

[-] [email protected] 59 points 4 months ago

The non proportional font on terminal 🤌

[-] [email protected] 80 points 5 months ago

If your answer is more than “one”, it usually means you don’t have the right pillow for your sleeping position. I have broad shoulders and I was a side sleeper. I used two pillows for the longest time, otherwise I had to twist my shoulder in while sleeping, or tilt my head towards the bed, neither being really comfortable for long time periods. Then I bought a thick foam one on sale in some random store I was at, and it made a world of a difference.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I don't understand the logic behind the idea that it makes you "less clean" to wipe yourself off of excess water literally seconds after cleaning yourself in the shower. Think about it: to legitimately spread germs around with the towel, you'd need either the towel, or the area you're wiping off, to be unclean in the first place.

My wife likes a separate towel for her hair, but it's because she has very long and thick hair that's hard to dry out. Not doing so would mean leaving a trail of water dripping on the ground.

For me that's just wasteful behavior - if you're that concerned about cleanliness, those towels need to be washed regularly, therefore 4x the water usage...

[-] [email protected] 71 points 7 months ago

I'm utterly convinced overloading the term "open" was a very bad mistake in terms of how much confusion it created. Yes, "open-source" in the OSI definition means open to read, but also open to modification and redistribution. Having to make the distinction and explain the difference with "source available" is in itself a failure in communication.

[-] [email protected] 67 points 8 months ago

This. Any unsollicited communication that's meant to make you investigate or buy a commercial product is an advertisement. That's all. Is it less intrusive than the TikTok ad in Windows start menu, I think it may be, but it's still an advertisement, by definition.

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