
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Can you explain to me how you figure out your energy consumption?


I was installing Nextcloud and following a YouTube guide and the guy sets up his instance on linode. I just cannot wrap my head around this. Why would anyone pay that kind of money for such weak hardware? He’s paying $20 a month to self host his own cloud and only gets 2 CPUs, 4GB ram and 80GB storage! That’s totally bonkers to me! Does he also pay $50 for a slice of bread? And for what? To host his own cloud? iCloud 200GB is $10 a month lmao. So please, someone explain this to me Barney style why people are doing this instead of building their own. The only advantage is that is is probably far more reliable than hosting your own at home. Or maybe I am completely missing something or maybe I have a fundamental failure in my understanding

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I have a camera in my house and everyone knows it. It records 24/7 and saves several months back. I almost never check the recordings unless I’m trying to figure out which cat is knocking the lamp over. It’s too complicated to pull up footage for just casual viewing. I like being able to check on my home when I’m gone. Plus due to my professional experiences, it’s great evidence when someone breaks into your home. You think your outside cameras are enough to convict? Lmao nope! “Just because they broke in doesn’t mean my client stolen anything from the property”. It’s also great to check when a kid breaks their nose when you were only gone long enough to pee. Like how the f*ck did you break your nose in less than 1 min of me being gone?

Also check state laws. In my state it’s perfectly legal to have a camera in a public space in the house without consent to others. It’s illegal in private areas without consent

Btw you should post this to r/privacy