[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Never used Shopify unfortunately, so I can't help you with that.

The way I tag media is using MediaElch. It requires manually going through each series and identifying it, but with your proper naming it should give decent suggestions already.
If some metadata is missing for single episodes, try changing the metadata provider, sometimes one or the other just has bad/incomplete data.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

If you only need file syncing, there are better options than Nextcloud. But Nextcloud is the only real option if you want to create a full suite of replacements for office365 or google thanks to the large plugin ecosystem.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I've been brainwashed into finding Elixir interesting due to how it handles parallelism and good it's supposed to be for live debugging. (According to ~3 talks I found on youtube)

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

You could download stressapptest and run that memory benchmark in the normal system.

I'm not sure how well the current version of Memtest does, but when I was overclocking I was told not to use it as it couldn't reliably get memory to crash. (Funny problem to have). The two recommended tools are Windows only, so I found stressapptest as the best alternative.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I'd never heard of Transsion before, so I took a quick look on Wikipedia.

They sell mostly inexpensive phones in poorer regions.
Features of their phones are targeted for those regions, like Africa, where they have special features to calibrate camera exposure for darker skin, retain dual SIM and support many local languages.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

In that case, maybe get a good textbook and follow the examples.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 4 days ago

You hacked too hard

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

According to the linked RFC it's due to the site's user generated content. I guess that's an understandable policy for Wikipedia.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Ok, that's fair. I just use the english terms anyways and usually also change the interface language to english.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Apparently for some people (my mom) the search or filters work better on Temu. No idea why, I only ever use AliExpress.

[-] [email protected] 131 points 11 months ago

In its blog post Red Hat specifically called out downstream distributions for not contributing anything to the development of RHEL and that they should be making fixes to CentOS Stream. Well, this is a fix for CentOS Stream and Red Hat still doesn't care. They just don't want community contributions.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Really interesting article about airlines, independent safety inspectors ans Russia

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This might be a stupid question, but hear me out.
I regularly document steps to install various software for myself on my wiki
More recently, I managed to use different custom text in the source markdown to prepend # and $ automatically, so commands can be copied more easily while still clarifying if it should be run as a normal user or as root.

Run command as user

$ some cool command

Run command as root/superuser with sudo

# some dangerous command

I usually remove and sudo and use the # prefix. However, in some cases, the sudo actually does something different that needs to be highlighted. For example, I might use it to execute a command as the user www-data

sudo -u www-data cp /var/www/html/html1 /var/www/html/html2

I often use $ as a prefix, but # would also make sense.
How would you prefix that line?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Simply a fun song!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone else having issues?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hope it's alright to post this question here. Please direct me to a more appropriate commuity if not.
Anyways, my sister's looking for a new laptop and I decided to lend my expertise. I've got a list of various requirements, but maybe some of them are too strict or I'm missing something.


  • Mostly office & webbrowser
  • Some light gaming (Minecraft, SWTOR, Drakensang)
  • Youtube playback in the background while gaming

Current laptop

HP Pavilion x360 - 14-ba070nz

Hard Requirements

Stuff that's absolutely required

  • Budget 700€ - 900€
  • 14" screen size
  • <1.6 kG weight
  • min. wifi 5 (802.11ac)
  • >250cd/m^2 display brightness
  • all-day battery life (>8h)
  • Windows 11 (I won't evangelize Linux to her)

Soft Requirements

Additional requirements I thought off, though I'm open to modifying those

  • >4 core CPU
  • 16GB RAM (Most laptops still come with 8GB. Is that ok for current year multitasking on Windows?)
  • >480GB storage (I'll have to check her current usage with her, maybe 256GB is fine?)
  • 2x USB-A ports
  • USB-C charging
  • HDMI/DP Port
  • internal GPU only (the games run okish on the old laptop already, so anything newer should also be better)

Some options

These are some options I found. I'd like to hear some thoughts/opinions on those. (links are to the UK site for english language, for prices I'm looking at the german site variant)

Thoughts, comments, experiences?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello, I thought I'd share my own setup with Ansible.
Two motivations that played a factor here. First, I wanted to use Podman instead of Docker and second, I already have an Nginx Proxy that I wanted to use it. Lastly, I like managing my containers through systemd, which is very easy to do with Podman.
Tested on Debian 11, though it should work on most other distros as well.
Do look over the playbook, there might be some decisions you don't agree with. For example, the different directories I'm creating for the various containers. (I'm creating multiple directories under /mnt)
Other variables, mainly logins, are already modifyable using the Ansible vault file included here.


  • A Server
  • SSH access to the server
  • Ansible Inventory file
  • Basic knowledge of Ansible
  • Basic knowledge of Nginx
  • SMTP server EDIT 2023-06-15


Vault file

I'll start with the vault file. Enter your values between the quotes. Explainations for most of them can be found in the lemmy.hjson config file.

Filename: vault.yml

Content of vault.yml

# postgres
var_postgres_user: ""
var_postgres_password: ""
# pictrs
var_pictrs_api_key: ""
# smtp (lemmy config)
var_smtp_server: ""
var_smtp_login: ""
var_smtp_password: ""
var_smtp_from: ""
var_smtp_tls: ""
# initial admin config
var_admin_username: ""
var_admin_password: ""
var_site_name: ""
var_admin_email: ""
# network settings
var_hostname: ""

Encrypt your file with this command.
$ ansible-vault encrypt vault.yml
You can also view or edit the file by replacing the encrypt keyword with view or edit respectively.

Lemmy config

Here's the lemmy config I used. It is mostly copied from the default config example, though a lot of the values have been replaced by the variables you just filled in above.
(btw, federation still does work with tls_enabled: true commented like this. As proof, I'm writing this post from my own instance set up this way)

Content of lemmy.hjson

  # settings related to the postgresql database
  database: {
    # Username to connect to postgres
    user: "{{ var_postgres_user }}"
    # Password to connect to postgres
    password: "{{ var_postgres_password }}"
    # Host where postgres is running
    host: "lemmy-db"
    # Port where postgres can be accessed
    port: 5432
    # Name of the postgres database for lemmy
    database: "lemmy"
    # Maximum number of active sql connections
    pool_size: 5
  # Settings related to activitypub federation
  # Pictrs image server configuration.
  pictrs: {
    # Address where pictrs is available (for image hosting)
    url: "http://lemmy-pictrs:8080/"
    # Set a custom pictrs API key. ( Required for deleting images )
    api_key: "{{ var_pictrs_api_key }}"
  # Email sending configuration. All options except login/password are mandatory
  email: {
    # Hostname and port of the smtp server
    smtp_server: "{{ var_smtp_server }}"
    # Login name for smtp server
    smtp_login: "{{ var_smtp_login }}"
    # Password to login to the smtp server
    smtp_password: "{{ var_smtp_password }}"
    # Address to send emails from, eg "[email protected]"
    smtp_from_address: "{{ var_smtp_from }}"
    # Whether or not smtp connections should use tls. Can be none, tls, or starttls
    tls_type: "{{ var_smtp_tls }}"
  # Parameters for automatic configuration of new instance (only used at first start)
  setup: {
    # Username for the admin user
    admin_username: "{{ var_admin_username }}"
    # Password for the admin user. It must be at least 10 characters.
    admin_password: "{{ var_admin_password }}"
    # Name of the site (can be changed later)
    site_name: "{{ var_site_name }}"
    # Email for the admin user (optional, can be omitted and set later through the website)
    admin_email: "{{ var_admin_email }}"
  # the domain name of your instance (mandatory)
  hostname: "{{ var_hostname }}"
  # Address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
  bind: ""
  # Port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests
  port: 8536
  # Whether the site is available over TLS. Needs to be true for federation to work.
  #tls_enabled: true

Ansible Playbook

Now a quick overview of my playbook:

  1. Installs podman
  2. The systemd service for running the podman pod will be stopped. EDIT: The error will now be caught and continue
  3. Create various directories
  4. Copy the lemmy configuration
  5. Create a podman network
  6. Create a podman pod
    • Port 1234 is for the Lemmy UI
    • Port 8536 is the Lemmy backend
  7. Create all the containers
  8. Generate the systemd service for the pod
  9. Enable the systemd service

And here's the Ansible playbook file.

Content of playbook.yml

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    var_lemmy_version: "0.17.4"
    - name: Install podman
          - podman
        state: latest

    - name: Stop lemmy pod if necessary
        - name: Stop systemd service
            name: pod-pod_lemmy
            state: stopped
        - name: Skip stopping systemd service
            msg: "First time setup. Ignore the error above"

    - name: Create database directory
        path: /mnt/lemmy-db
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root

    - name: Create lemmy directory
        path: /mnt/lemmy-app
        state: directory
        owner: root
        group: root

    - name: Create pictrs directory
        path: /mnt/lemmy-pictrs
        state: directory
        owner: 991
        group: 991

    - name: Copy lemmy config file
        dest: /mnt/lemmy-app/lemmy.hjson
        src: ./lemmy.hjson

    - name: Create lemmy network
        name: net_lemmy

    - name: Create lemmy pod
        name: pod_lemmy
          - net_lemmy
          - "1234:1234" # lemmy-ui
          - "8536:8536" # lemmy-app

    - name: Create DB container
        name: lemmy-db
        image: docker.io/postgres:15-alpine
          - /mnt/lemmy-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
          POSTGRES_USER: "{{ var_postgres_user }}"
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ var_postgres_password }}"
          POSTGRES_DB: lemmy
          io.containers.autoupdate: image
        pod: "pod_lemmy"
        state: "created"

    - name: Create pictrs container
        name: lemmy-pictrs
        image: docker.io/asonix/pictrs:0.3.1
        #entrypoint: "/sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp"
        # flags: https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs/src/tag/v0.3.1
        command: "/usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp"
        user: 991:991
          - /mnt/lemmy-pictrs:/mnt
          PICTRS__API_KEY: "{{ var_pictrs_api_key }}"
          io.containers.autoupdate: image
        pod: "pod_lemmy"
        state: "created"

    - name: Create lemmy container
        name: lemmy-app
        image: docker.io/dessalines/lemmy:{{ var_lemmy_version }}
          - /mnt/lemmy-app/lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson
        interactive: true
        tty: true
          RUST_LOG: "warn,lemmy_server=info,lemmy_api=info,lemmy_api_common=info,lemmy_api_crud=info,lemmy_apub=info,lemmy_db_schema=info,lemmy_db_views=info,lemmy_db_views_actor=info,lemmy_db_views_moderator=info,lemmy_routes=info,lemmy_utils=info,lemmy_websocket=info"
        #  - lemmy-db
        #  - lemmy-pictrs
          io.containers.autoupdate: image
        pod: "pod_lemmy"
        state: "created"

    - name: Create lemmy-ui container
        name: lemmy-ui
        image: docker.io/dessalines/lemmy-ui:{{ var_lemmy_version }}
          # this needs to match the hostname defined in the lemmy service
          LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST: "lemmy-app:8536"
          # set the outside hostname here
          #LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST: "{{ var_hostname }}"
          LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:1234"
          #LEMMY_HTTPS: true
        #  - lemmy-app
          io.containers.autoupdate: image
        pod: "pod_lemmy"
        state: "created"

    - name: Create systemd service
        name: pod_lemmy
        new: true
        dest: /etc/systemd/system/

    - name: Enable lemmy pod
        daemon_reload: true
        name: pod-pod_lemmy
        enabled: true
        state: started

Run the playbook with this command.
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -e @vault.yml --ask-vault-pass playbook.yml -K
You will be prompted for the sudo password and the password you set for your encrypted vault.
If you authenticate to ssh using a password, add -k to the above command and you'll be prompted for that as well.

There's a character limit on posts, so I'll put the rest as a comment below.

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joined 9 months ago