Quick April Update (kbin.social)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello everyone, I hope your holiday period passed peacefully. The status page is ready, and I'll soon put it online. I've also made some improvements to the new project website, which will be replaced shortly. Today, by the end of the day, two moderators will also appear, more about which will be in a separate post. You can still submit your candidacies to [email protected] - you will receive a short instruction in response. Today, I'm returning to the code of kbin; I need to review and start organizing the repository. It will probably take me a few days to get everything up and running, but as I continue refactoring, I will gradually eliminate errors in the instance. There will probably also be a few smaller updates that I will post on this magazine's microblog.

Until next time.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Over the next few weeks, we're facing another server change. I'm doing everything to optimize costs and prepare the instance for long-term operation. More details are available on the status page I'm currently working on.

This week, I also refreshed the project's code, and it seems like I'm slowly getting back on track regarding health matters.

Soon, there will be several moderators on the website - if you'd like to help with this, please write to [email protected], mentioning your nickname in the message. Moderators will be selected based on profile activity - there might be a few additional questions in the reply. However, remember that moderation is not always a pleasant task, so think it over. All moderation actions are transparent and subject to public evaluation.

Most importantly, I've sorted out my personal matters and, in a way, financially secured myself, so starting next month, I'll be able to fully dedicate myself to the project for a few months, focusing solely on it, which I haven't had the opportunity to do for a some time again. More information coming soon...

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Good morning, last week we managed to address pressing issues related to infrastructure. Thank you once again for your assistance, Piotr. I will continue work in this area, but it will be less invasive and cumbersome. I have restored the test environments and am slowly getting back into coding.

Today, I will start by organizing abandoned magazines, mag mods requests, checking user account deletions, etc.

This week, additional global moderators will be added to the instance. Tomorrow, there will also be a post where you can submit your candidacy.

Additionally, this week, a Status page will be introduced - where you can check for any instance outages and their repair status.

Various communication issues still remain before I dive into the code. But overall, things are progressing more and more rapidly. I will also try to provide more frequent updates.

Have a great week, everyone!

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm slowly catching up with backlog tasks and cleaning up instances, but there's still quite a bit to do. Day by day, I'm managing to work longer hours, but I still need some time to ramp up the intensity of work. Just wanted to let you know that there might be brief downtimes in instance operation over the weekend. I aim to resume communication on Monday and write some code.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

/kbin March update (kbin.social)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm feeling a bit better. Starting today, I'll be returning to work as much as possible. This week will likely be spent catching up on tasks, replying to emails, reading overdue comments, etc. I also need to work with Piotr on instance infrastructure. I'll be more actively handling spam as well, but it's clear that we need additional people for global instance moderation. I'll prioritize this. I'd like to delegate instance administration as much as possible and fully focus on code. In short, there's a lot of work ahead, but I aim to reach a point by the end of this month where I'm 100% focused on code development, and hopefully this time there won't be any unpleasant surprises. The past few months have been overwhelming with a series of unfortunate events ;-)

RE: Is Ernest still here? (media.kbin.social)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I check in here quite often, but for now, I'm just focusing on clearing spam and keeping the instance alive. In January, I was working on the AP module, and there has been significant progress in the work, which hasn't been publicly published yet. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the year, I developed a skin condition that worsened from week to week, reaching a point where I couldn't even leave the house. In February, I spent my time visiting doctors and undergoing treatment with medications, which often had very unpleasant side effects. Therefore, I decided to hold off on any major updates to avoid causing even more chaos. Today, I've undergone one procedure, and I have another one scheduled for Thursday, which I hope will be the last.

Just because it's not visible that something is happening doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything during this time. In fact, two really significant things have been successful, which I've been working on for a long time and which I intended to announce soon once I recover.

This weekend, I also plan to work on infrastructure with Piotr, and from next week onwards, I intend to resume committing, provided my health allows it. I understand if you're exploring alternatives, but I hope I've exhausted my bad luck limit for this year, and the remaining time will be marked by gradual, steady progress, especially since new opportunities have emerged, about which I will hopefully write soon.

RTR#52 Busy month (kbin.social)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This month, I managed to wrap up many overdue matters. It seems to me that I responded to the majority of lingering emails, and a few issues turned out to be so important that they took a few extra days. I also dealt with [a certain aspect related to the project, about which I'll be able to share more in a few weeks. Additionally, it was a time I dedicated to education and catching up on certain things. Today, I'm going for a minor procedure at the hospital, and I won't be available for the next 2-4 days. When I return, I'll push all the corrections and fixes I've been working on and present plans for the near future. In the meantime, I'm making sure that the instance operates smoothly.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Last week, I dealt with formalities related to the project and a few personal matters associated with the new year. Unfortunately, there was quite a lot to handle. Today is the last day I'm dealing with this, and I'm returning to the code for the regular devlogs. I'll also take care of current matters on the instance. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there may be short interruptions in the website's operation due to an update.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Lately, I've been dealing with a slight fever associated with the beginning of the year. I'm trying to ensure that everything runs fairly smoothly. Today and tomorrow, I need to focus on planning finances for the upcoming year and handle formalities related to the project. In the following days, I'll implement changes to fix recently reported issues, improve support for older media, and make sure to return to the normal rhythm of the previously scheduled work.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The main issues with the improper functioning of the instance have been resolved, but it led to additional complications. Currently, using the instance should be quite comfortable, but I will continue to work intensively on a comprehensive solution for the next few days. Therefore, occasional interruptions or errors may still occur.

Thanks for your patience!

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The issues that started occurring on Sunday turned out to be more serious than anticipated, extending beyond the application code. We are still working on resolving them to ensure the proper functioning of the website, but we need some more time. Apologies for any inconvenience.

RTR#49 On-site work (kbin.social)
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The instance may not be functioning properly for the next few hours. We are working to identify and eliminate the errors. Sorry for that.

related: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/728913/Kbin-pages-returning-404-page-not-found

[-] [email protected] 92 points 10 months ago

I apologize for causing you trouble. I'm trying to resolve the situation as quickly as possible, but apart from the usual spammers, there have also been organized campaigns where, for an hour on Sunday mornings, our instance was flooded with spam from hundreds of accounts. This, of course, is causing federation issues. I've changed my priorities regarding the roadmap, and additional tools will be released soon. I will also ensure additional moderation. I will also get in touch with admins from other instances - my absence was due to personal issues I mentioned recently. Thanks for your understanding, and best regards.

[-] [email protected] 130 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Ok, so in the next few days, I'll be testing some things. It might be a bit worse for a while, but it will definitely speed up the problem-solving process. I'll be grateful for any feedback. I'm unable to reproduce it in local/testing environments, so it might be an issue with the cluster.

[-] [email protected] 113 points 1 year ago

Wow ;) I'm incredibly lucky to have come across people like you. The authors of those posts are actually right - managing /kbin is a significant challenge nowadays. It requires extensive knowledge and experience to keep it under control. But also I've never hidden that fact - the information about it is placed at the very top of the repository's readme ;) However, as I mentioned, a lot is changing very quickly https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/122333/Fediverse-won-t-replace-Reddit-as-long-as-Lemmy-is-the#entry-comment-478779. And we're all working hard on it, to improve and automate as many things as possible. Thanks to all of you, I believe I can face it head-on, and together we can create a better place. Better internet. Not just this instance, but cooperation between platforms is the key here.

Unfortunately, there are delays occurring again - I've decided that smooth website operation will be the priority this time. There are approximately 450k tasks waiting in the queue, and everything will be handled, but it will take some time. Today, we're also conducting final tests of the new infrastructure. It's taking a while because we're documenting templates that can later be used by others to create their own instances. I hope these are the last issues we have to endure ;)

Thanks for everything.

[-] [email protected] 134 points 1 year ago

Yeah, the pace is still crazy, but it's a completely different mental comfort when you're aware that you're not alone ;)

[-] [email protected] 295 points 1 year ago

I appreciate the concern, and it seems to me that kbin is no longer just one person ;) Currently, kbin is a team of wonderful people who handle development work, devops, project management, and more. Additionally, Piotr helps me with administering kbin.social. There will be significant changes here soon, things are happening quickly. But to be honest, I wasn't fully prepared for such substantial growth, and it will probably take some time before everything stabilizes. But... this is just the beginning ;) What's important is that the snowball starts rolling, regardless of whether kbin, Lemmy, or Mastodon gains the most users. We all win in this situation.

[-] [email protected] 105 points 1 year ago

Top sorting is already available on the testnet. It will be further improved over time.

[-] [email protected] 197 points 1 year ago

It's possible that this is a consequence of the latest Lemmy update, in which a lot has changed. I have noted that kbin has some issues with request signature in communication with certain instances. I will try to check it tomorrow first thing in the morning.

[-] [email protected] 113 points 1 year ago

All the things you mentioned are in the roadmap. However, we can either do it quickly and potentially encounter issues in a few weeks or months, or take a bit more time for a more thorough approach. I've decided to move away from playful prototyping. From now on, every change will be tested before it's approved for kbin.social - it's no longer just my code (https://lab2.kbin.pub/). I'd like to close this thread for you... but can we just agree not to respond in it anymore? ;p

[-] [email protected] 394 points 1 year ago

I just need a little more time. There will likely be a technical break announced tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Along with the migration to new servers, we will be introducing new moderation tools that I am currently working on and testing (I had it planned for a bit later in my roadmap). Then, I will address your reports and handle them very seriously. I try my best to delete sensitive content, but with the current workload and ongoing relocation, it takes a lot of time. I am being extra cautious now. The regulations are quite general, and I would like to refine them together with you and do everything properly. For now, please make use of the option to block the magazine/author.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thanks for that, it's true, I need to remember especially about that last point. Later, I will write a few words about what was happening behind the scenes during these days. I wasn't there alone. Not anymore ;)

kbin is much older; it was a side project. Recently, I took it more seriously :)

[-] [email protected] 99 points 1 year ago

I don't know yet. I can't wait to start getting to know all of them ;)

[-] [email protected] 118 points 1 year ago

Thanks, once I deal with the formalities that need to be taken care of first, I feel like next week will bring a downpour of improvements in the release, thanks to the contributors.

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