We're in a modern gilded age. There are no consequences for modern day robber barons.
Marietta Georgia
The parking lot was slammed and the line for the registers took like 30 minutes
They want the land and the $500 billion worth of natural gas in the sea
Are you walking away with wet butt? I have to dry with at least 2 squares post bidet
Watched Blade for the first time Saturday and that line gave me whiplash.
I've broke things often and had to reinstall a lot because I didn't know what I was doing. Still kinda don't know, but do y'all recommend anyways to learn the knowledge?
Like I could probably read through man pages but I want something that shows how everything builds on each other to fill any gaps I'm missing
Any number that doesn't lead to Biden losing votes
There is always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city.
What a slog of a game. Glad to see Ridder improving.
That would make a wild plot point in a zombie movie though...
bEcAuSe tHeY'rE a dEmOcRaCy iN tHe miDdLe eAsT