
joined 11 months ago

Other options I had was OnlyOffice and Trello, but they're all cloud based. Our area suffers from internet instability, so if we were to use cloud based kanban for project management system, the whole business shuts down everytime the internet crashes.

For years we've been using a local network (independent of internet) for our information system (one server computer cable routed to some 10 client computers for the staff), just wanted to up the productivity by using a project management system on top of it.

The next best option I came across was VIKUNJA. The application seemed very promising, plus it's opensource and self-hostable. But the tutorials I see always involve using the internet for self hosting it.

Is it possible to use this app in our local network instead? (The server computer OS is windows 10 pro). How do I go about setting it up? (Pretend I'm a 5 year old)

If this is the wrong sub for this, can anyone help me where's the next best sub?