
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Respectfully dude, it's not everyone else's job to police content for you. Paywalls are everywhere, it's the internet.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Fallout 4 wasn't bad at launch. A whole LOT better than New Vegas, I'll say that much.

I'll never understand why Bethesda catches these accusations so much harder than other devs that are just as bad. Hell KOTOR 2 was so broken at launch an entire mod needed to be made to finish the game. Not unofficially patch it, literally add so much that we just saw a company have to give out refunds because they couldn't include it in official console releases.

Obsidian has a long history of this, yet they're somehow beloved even though their entire rep is "we make well thought out games, and then don't finish them because we're awful at time management". I mean look at the full list. Neverwinter Nights 2: Buggy at launch, busted, toolset was messed up so nobody came over from part 1. Kotor 2: Buggy at launch, missing a ton of content, never got fixed. Alpha Protocol: demolished for having awful AI. Again, largely unpolished and taken to task for it. Dungeon Siege 3: literally killed the franchise.

It's hard to be a Bethesda fan on the internet, so many developers lean on fans to come in with patches and fix their games and ONLY THEY get heat for it. Heck, V:TM Bloodlines is one of the most popular games of all time, and it's NOTORIOUSLY glitchy without the unofficial patch.

And none of this was ever a problem whatsoever until Bethesda rescued Fallout.

I half wonder if people remember that Van Buren was canceled, and the last canonical Fallout in production was the sequel to the Slipknot soundtrack having bawls guarana shilling dumpster fire that was Brotherhood of Steel.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I didn't until I found Beehaw. I'm enjoying it now.

I wish you could block servers personally, though. Like some of the stuff that's blocked here makes this place a lot better to be around. There's less hate and reactionary fear mongering. Everything is more chill.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Reddit is winning right now. You still get the daily digests from them? The stuff it's suggesting to me is wild. You'd never even see it if a lot of the website's traffic didn't suddenly get thanos snapped.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

All he had to do was sit in his money bunker and make dumb tweets about harmless things and he'd have eventually died a legendary figure.

Now he's infamous for a totally different reason. I mean look at Richard Branson. That could be Elon right now, as the worst case scenario. Some hyper-rich dude that most people are aware of but that you never hear much negative on in the media. He just kinda exists, does billionaire stuff. Heck, even Bezos right now. When's the last time you saw Bezos show up negatively in the news? And neither of them had a full on cult of personality forming around them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It's a thing with large corporations that want to do something unpopular, and she probably knows he's doing it. Hire a woman to be a CEO, do ALL SORTS of nasty things that she can't directly veto because you're the owner, then fire her for the backlash to those things and come in as a conquering hero.

The Ellen Pao effect.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You have good taste in games.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

No Man's Sky also trickled the content to different platforms so they had a constant revenue stream and didn't have to worry about micro-transactions. Everything about that game ended up having so much thought put into it. It baffles me that more games didn't take the hint.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

The always online is bad. The micro-transactions are worse. I'm tired of being told "But it's just cosmetic!" Yeah, well that used to come with the game too. "They need to be able to make more content!" Yeah, it's made over 666 million dollars. They can afford more content. "At least it's not..." That shouldn't exist either.

Games, and expansion packs. That's it. Day one MTX is insulting. "here's your game, pay to unlock more of it" should not be a thing we accept. At this point I half expect a back-slide to pay full price and then a sub to actually play the game. I can not wrap my head around why people defend it, I've stopped buying games with MTX entirely.

Diablo 2 resurrected is quite good, though. Nailed that one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm a mod of retrogaming and a few few other subs in that network. Best group of users ever. 320k people in just the one sub and I think as a team we had to take down maybe 3-4 posts a day? Maybe? I banned 2-3 people in a month, that's absolutely unheard of in a sub that size. I think the worst argument I saw the whole time was a running "the playstation one was not called the PSX" "Yes it was" "NO IT WASN'T!" "HERE IS AN ARTICLE, YES IT WAS." thing that we had to specifically make a rule about. Odd little drama, but other than that? No fights at ALL. I'm talking a report maybe every few days for something being off topic if we didn't get to it quick enough.

The niche subs about fringe interests, even if they're popular ones, often bring out the very best people. And the patient/retro gamers are so very chill.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I mean they keep telling him to stop talking about the case on social media, and that's not working out.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah. Metro in particular... The original author even said more was coming. I need it. Feed it to me.

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