How exactly? Give examples.
Decades later authorities determined a dingo really ate the baby
Your head's in the right place. A lady was expected to be dressed and undressed by servants. But even a non-aristocratic woman would want to dress the same as the courtly ladies, and not wear men's clothes so women's' shirts got buttons on the left side, regardless of the wearer's class and the idea just persisted through to the present.
Name em?
find / -type f -perm -a=x -exec ldd {} 2>/dev/null \;
Never understood that about the walking dead. Gasoline stops being vital after 3-6 months, so years into the apocalypse and everyone's driving cars, and Daryl has that sweet frankenbike. What are those things running on?
Way of the road, Bubs.
edit: I assigned it to sway exit
this afternoon. It's a dumb use for it, but if you want out of sway fast...
I really dig my x220 with Arch too. Just got all the media buttons working. Trying to dream up a use for the blue "ThinkVantage" button.
Yeah me. During the pandemic I became super productive because I could close the door on my home office and concentrate on just getting something built, tested, and shipped. Now our corpo overlords believe that we can't be productive from home and have mandated an x-days/wk in the office. We call these 'code review days' but they're essentially lost hours to the company because we're all like this on my team. But the office is nice and occupied.