
joined 10 months ago

I currently have a Docker setup that I’m really happy with consisting of a NUC running minimal Ubuntu server. I only run 5 containers but kinda need them to be pretty reliable (i.e. my whole home becomes pretty annoying to use if HA has downtime):

  • HomeAssistant
  • ESPHome
  • MQTT
  • Scrypted
  • Static nginx instance

My desire for reliability is at odds with my stronger desire to avoid spending time on maintenance - I work in front of computers the last thing I want to do is fix my own IT woes! Therefore to avoid having to perform manual updates etc I have a small cron task that weekly:

  • Does a full unattended apt upgrade
  • runs “docker compose pull” and “docker compose up -d” for all containers.

This is all done with via a YOLO SLA approach with no continual backups and no rollback possibilities 🤦‍♂️

This is the bit that scares me - everything has been (surprisingly) fine for around 18 months but I am fully aware one bad update could really ruin my day especially with no downgrade path.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a more appliance based system that I could use to essentially monitor, upgrade and manage both the host OS and containers. My googling isn’t turning up much unfortunately. Ideally I’d like features such as:

  • Docker compose support
  • Automated backups (preferably with S3 support)
  • Unattended container upgrades
  • Container health monitoring.
  • Rollback support if an upgrade goes bad
  • A nice web UI

I don’t care if this is software/hardware, free/paid (within reason) I just want something really simple that is designed for reliability and uptime.

Many thanks