[-] [email protected] 190 points 4 months ago

I can't imagine a worse insult to a dictator trying to preserve the illusion of free elections in his country than to congratulate him on his landslide victory before the election is even over.

Well done

[-] [email protected] 53 points 9 months ago

Just another reminder how stupid American laws on weapons are. In every normal country this couldn’t happen because that guy wouldn’t have a gun in the first place. It would have ended in a fight or in the shooter suing the prankster and getting a lot of money while the prankster would be told by court to stop this stupid pranks.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 11 months ago

I believe they thought it would be possible to leave the EU politically but keep all the economic advantages.

Like so many politicians told them.

[-] [email protected] 75 points 11 months ago

Donald Trump was so close to releasing a 100-page-report on the 2020 election fraud in Georgia. That’s obviously PROOF that there was in FACT an election FRAUD taking place in 2020 in Georgia!


[-] [email protected] 51 points 11 months ago

This is a very fine comment.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 11 months ago

"Someone always looks like someone else."

That’s so true. In Berlin, Germany, a boar became breaking news and public warning by looking like a lion!

[-] [email protected] 44 points 11 months ago

How about Sean Connery?

[-] [email protected] 56 points 1 year ago

siehe auch: Die Atomkraftwerke sind mir egal, ich kriege meinen Strom aus der Steckdose.

[-] [email protected] 65 points 1 year ago

But it's not that easy. If this rando dev's creation never catches the public's attention how can they love it, hate it, forgive it and love it again. So this positive-quality-creature can’t be a star.

And how about acting? You don’t think that acting is an art. That actors actually create a character, that’s either boring for the audience or catching it’s empathy. If there’s no actor creating this character, than the rando dev has to create them.

And to make a movie they have to create a lot of different characters and some will turn out to be better in creating characters than others. So they will be famous for doing it great. The public will admire them and they will have their moments on the red carpet and get the chance to make a racist remark or slap someone in the face.

You know, Mark Twain was such a rando dev. And he got a lot of fame. And now the fame will be coming back to the authors…

[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 year ago

Die Bürger sind nicht geschützt, heißt es im Artikel. Seien wir ehrlich, die Bürger hassen die Partei, die seit über 40 Jahren versucht, ihren Schutz zu sichern.

Sie verachten auch Journalisten, die Artikel wie diesen veröffentlichen.

Sie wählen immer wieder und wieder die Leute, deren erklärtes Ziel es ist, die Augen fest zu schließen und nichts zu tun.

Und sie werden die entsprechenden Parteien beim nächsten Mal wieder wählen.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 year ago

Aber genau der Märtyrereffekt wird möglicherweise erst dafür sorgen, dass mehr Menschen umdenken und sich die Mehrheiten ändern.

Für mich sind die LG-Aktivisten genau deswegen Helden, sie zeigen unter Einsatz ihres Lebens auf, dass die Naturgesetze kein Vorschlag sind, über deren Ausgestaltung man in parlamentarischen Ausschüssen verhandeln könnte.

Traurig ist nur das wir Helden benötigen um zu dieser Erkenntnis zu kommen.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago

Du meinst wenn alle ordentlich rassistisch werden, dann merken die Leute wieder, wie rechtsextrem die Rechtsextremen sind.

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