By Tomer Strolight
June 22, 2023
If you were to ask the question “What is man?” you might get a joking reply like “mostly water.” Such an answer wouldn’t be incorrect, but it would hardly be useful. It wouldn’t even tell you the difference between a man and a watermelon, or a cup of tea, both of which are also mostly water.
To be useful, you would need to go deeper and ask the question “What is the essence of man?” That’s a discussion that has been ongoing for thousands of years. I’ve personally thought about and discussed this topic a great deal, in large part because I want to understand what it is I am.
I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking about the question of “What is the essence of Bitcoin?”. I’ve been asking this because I am fascinated by Bitcoin. However, I also think Bitcoin is a reflection of some very particular things about man and his essence, so asking questions about Bitcoin actually provides answers about the essence of man and mankind as well.
They're probably not any less safe today than they were before – the new key exfiltration feature has not been rolled out yet. Even after it's rolled out, you can choose to trust Ledger's claim that it will only be used as advertised, and also to assume that they will never be forced by law enforcement to covertly target you with custom firmware that takes your seed.
There's a level of this requirement for trust with all hardware wallets. I find it's a bit worse with Ledger because they are closed source and the firmware has to be flashed with their special software. For wallets where the source is available for public audit, it's harder to get away with shenanigans.
As a bitcoiner, I've also found I prefer bitcoin-only wallets. Not even wallets where I can choose a bitcoin-only firmware – I mean wallets from bitcoin-only companies. It just simplifies things and I feel like the company is not distracted by a thousand altcoins. So my conclusion is easy, I don't use Ledger.