
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thinking about other ways to avoid brokers being able to unDRS I found that one may also just change account address details:

"So basically, brokers aren’t supposed to do this, but can, and if they do, there’s really nothing stopping them since there’s no check first to see if there was permission from the account holder. [...] In the meantime, as suggested by the reps, if possible, change some account info so it doesn’t match what your broker has on file, like changing Street to St or adding a middle initial." (

Also on Twitter there is a discussion about "stop trades" and one of the things it would help with is brokers being able to unDRS. Either a new account or changing address details would do the trick also.


This is a repost of my analysis on GME options from March 22 I posted in DDintoGME (highly censored sub nowadays). I feel price movement is a thing we should start discussing again and its implications.

Edit #1: Making it more clear that it is daily data for each combination of Strike Price and Date. Thanks to u/dexter_analyst.

Ladies, Gentlemen, Apes and shf interns,

Welcome to the Options Casino aka Wendy's.

Please start with the disclaimer: this is not financial advice. I am retarded. I only eat black and red crayons. All data is only a sample and incomplete, since not all Strike Prices and only daily data were analyzed. Furthermore, this post shouldn’t discourage or encourage you from buying options rather help to understand past trades and also encourage finding the right questions about option trading in the future.

TL;DR: Option Buyers lost at least $81m for which at least 720k shares could have been bought. This post shows data for Apes to question, since data about options is hard to get. The analysis of the data showed that Options Buyers for those two strikes lost at least $81m while investing at least $97m. So roughly 83% of the invested money was lost. To get the complete picture ALL strike prices should be analyzed.

Questions this post tries to answer:

  1. How did call options for 01/21 and 02/28 turn out for option maker and option buyer (per strike)?
  2. In what timeframes call options could have been bought turning a profit?
  3. Did the positive options sentiment in November have an impact on OI change for the analyzed Strike Date 01/21?
  4. How many shares could have been bought instead of the option contracts?

Feel free to add any question in the comments. Also, I would be happy if someone wants to verify the data or could even add (e.g. level 2 data).

How I arrived at the data:

  • Source:
  • I chose two option strike dates 01/21 and 02/28 as those had pretty high OI (184,726 being roughly 18m GME shares and 107,981 roughly 11m GME shares).
  • I chose the strike prices with the highest OI (see below) and got the daily data for each strike price leading to roughly 4,500 data sets.
  • This data represents 67% and 58% respectively of total OI at Expiry.
  • Since I only got daily data I calculated the option cost with an average options price ((daily high – daily low)/2 * daily change in option OI). I neglected options volume since I only wanted to know the value between option buyer and option maker.
  • I added up all the daily costs to Call Buyer Costs (till Expiry). Those costs can be negative, since OI could have been reduced at a loss for Option Makers (buy back or early execution).
  • The Call Buyer Profit is than the value of the remaining Options at Expiry minus the Call Buyer Costs.
  • As you will see, also strike prices being OTM led in rare cases to an overall profit for the Options Buyers due to probably Options Maker buying back at a loss before expiry.


  • OI at Expiry: the remaining OI at the end of the expiry day. Could have been executed, turned into a cash profit last second or expired worthless.
  • Call Buyer Profit: This is the total Call Buyer Profit or loss if negative, meaning the value of OI at Expiry minus Call Buyer Costs.
  • Call Buyer Costs: Total Costs for the Options Buyer derived from daily trades. As mentioned above Call Buyer Costs can be negative if Option Maker bought back options at a loss for them.

For orientation and since I just couldn’t overlay the graphs, here is a graph of Daily GME $ Price where day to day was +/-10%:

1. How did call options for 01/21 and 02/28 turn out for option maker and option buyer (per strike)? (Bold -> Overall Profit for Option Buyers)

Costs can be negative if Option Maker bought back their options (reduced OI) at a loss for them. Therefore 01/21 $150 turned a profit for Call Buyers overall even if ending OTM.

2. In what timeframes call options could have been bought turning a profit? (Graphs do not include the value at the actual strike date)

Zooming into June one can see that no $150 contract was sold at the top (Jun 8) while many were sold or executed Jun 4 and Jun 9. On Jun 18 some bought more of this contract:

Comparing those to the Strikes below 200 one can see that Option Buyers put a lot more money in the 200 and higher prices, but were only able to turn a profit for 200 and 250 Strikes in March and June. Zooming in into those months one can see huge trades on the peak of March 10 and the run up in early June:

As one can see when compared to the table 1) most profits were made at the strike price. Still some executed or sold the two days prior expiry.

No luck for those with Strikes above 120. Some tried to minimize losses at Jan 26.

3. Did the positive options sentiment in November have an impact on OI change for the analyzed Strike Date 01/21?

  • Actually, it's not that clear. When looking at the graph "Profit / Cost over time for Strike Date 1/21 - Prices $200-950" November had the biggest investment since the run-up in June while the run-up in Nov was comparably small. However, other factors could have played a role, like time to expiry.
  • Just fyi: Daily data for October to December for this Strike Date:

4. How many shares could have been bought instead of the option contracts?

  • For the data analyzed there could have been bought 722,845 shares . As not all Strike Prices were analyzed one can assume that more shares could have been bought, thus at least 722k shares could have been bought instead of options. This assuming the daily change in OI and thus the change in cost or profit would have been invested or divested with the daily average share price at the date of the options trade. Finally, the value at expiry is subtracted.

That's it Apes. Hope it'll help with understanding option trades and gaining some wrinkles.

💎🙌 🚀

Link to the archived version:


This is a repost of the time when real dips and rips still happened from June 22 I posted on Superstonk (highly censored sub nowadays). I feel price movement is a thing we should start discussing again and its implications. Price as well as % DRS seem to be in "zen mode" lately for the last roughly 1y. We should talk about this! Special thanks to u/jonpro03 who helped me with all the data for the OG post.

Sup Apes?

In my post about "How is the probability of another monster dip? What are the determining factors for price movements and vice versa what do price movements cause?" with the hypothesis "GameStop share price will be below $77 caused by GDP slowing and liquidity drying up", I also talked about that "[t]he slope of "Total DRS Estimates" increases significantly after the dip in March, May and January as can be seen on ".

This post now should give a glimpse on what dips and rips actually do cause. However, this is not proper statistic work and should only be seen as rough estimates. Especially since I am building on the data of which contains estimates by itself (esp. the trimmed avg.).


  • All else equal DRS might pick up by a factor of 2-4 during the next dip (around $70-$90) leading to daily estimated DRS volume rising from 20-35k to 50-90k shares/day.
  • Opinion: Hedgies are fukd because if they lower the price Apes accelerate their DRSing, if they raise the price they risk causing FOMO also from none Apes, esp. during times were other stocks are down hard.


  • After Dips Apes have DRS'd 3x (about 2-4x) the amount of shares in comparison to after / during Rips. In "rip" timeframes Apes DRS about 20-35k shares/day while during "dip" timeframes Apes DRS about 50-90k shares/day (varying for the dips/rips).
  • There is a positive correlation between Price and "Day+4 (DRS) growth" (0.24). Interpretation: When the price rises after a dip, DRS'd shares rise.
  • There is a significant positive correlation between Volume and "Day+9 (DRS) growth" (0.45). Interpretation: High volume days almost certainly lead to a peak in DRS'd shares over the next 9 days.
  • There is a positive correlation between Volume and "Daily Price Delta" (0.35). Interpretation: with high changes in price (regardless if dip or rip) there comes higher volume.

Data used for the dataset:


  • Growth in estimated DRS'd shares follows an repeating timely pattern and there will be visible peaks around such timely patterns visible by a peak of DRS'd shares over the next 4, 9 or 19 days. This includes the timeframe from buying (and DRSing from a broker) to posting.
  • As I found that the time DRS picked up varies between each dip/rip I kind of manually assigned each dip/rip timeframe on the price side (left) and on the DRS volume side (right). I assumed that a dip is when the price relative to the 14d mean price is roughly around or below ~90% and that the relating DRS volume is around or slightly after this timeframe and is defined by an up rise in "Daily DRS volume".
  • The timeframe for analysis started December 2021, since DRS before is assumed to be unrelated to price movements (first batches).


  • I used my magic 8-ball for a lot... maybe some of you want to do a proper analysis with more time?
  • The definition of DIP/RIP timeframes is not simplified and not properly done. I more or less used some crayons and just let them drop where the colors looked nice.

Happy to provide the dataset. Let me know what you think in the comments. The time I used for this was very limited, so please check for failures. And as said before, don't rely on this data or results.

Link to the archived version:

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So, we know the price kept going down since this post, so the hypothesis was partly right:

Since nearly a year the price is boring af and sticks around $20-$25. Also the DRS numbers don't show a steep increase, rather a steadily plateauing:

So everybody lost their interest? The splividend showed deep fukry, we had a profitable quarter, RC is now executive chairman, there is $1.3bn in cash - no bankruptcy in sight, although the new marketplace/nfts didn't lift off yet.

So in this stagnation, is there an opportunity? This is what my head can't stop thinking about.


This is a repost of my thoughts on GME price movement from June 22 I posted in DDintoGME (highly censored sub nowadays). I feel price movement is a thing we should start discussing again and its implications. At the time of the post the low was [$19.25], the new low was [$15.41] in January 23. I added the price after the splividend in [brackets].

Hey Apes, Ssup? [...] Disclaimer:

This post is not to discuss opinions about people. Just possible price movements, especially on the downside, like materially aka monster dip. Also it should discuss some thoughts about the price movements.
... ehrm, this is not financial advice and I am treated for crayon addiction.


  • Some twatter posts formed the hypothesis "GameStop share price will be below $77 [$19.25] caused by GDP slowing and liquidity drying up"
  • Price so far followed a "slide pattern" (up steeply, down gradually) with varying frequency to probably discourage new buyers. Also prices lead to maximized option maker profits. Apes bought and DRS'd the fkn dip and probably will do so again. SPECULATION: price upper bound is as low as possible also to discourage new investors.
  • Questions to be clarified in Part 2: How much does GDP slowing aka recession combined with inflation lower Apes buying power? What's the ratio of buys vs sales in a monster dip under the conditions of 1 accompanied by massive MSM FUD? SPECULATION: price upper bound is as low as possible also to discourage new investors.

Part 1: The hypothesis.

Okay, the reason for this post - and again this should not be about people - were several twatter posts of Pulte - did I say that we don't want to discuss people here? - which made me think. Will and can there be a monster dip?

For those who haven't read the posts or can just remember the last 8 minutes because of massive TV addiction in their childhood, here they are:

Apr 12 (price low on this day: $141 [$35.25], high: $152 [$38]):

"[...] Only concern is short term stock price going down, potentially materially, with GDP slowing and liquidity drying up. [...]"


May 12 (price low on this day: $77 [$19.25], high: $108 [$27]):

[Cited Tweet Apr 12]

"[...] I will HODL GameStop and at the right time I will buy more. It’s not time yet though. [...] Be smart! 🦍"


Jun 7 (price low on this day: $126 [$31.5], high: $149 [$37.25]):

"[...] Again, I think downtrend is next, but still! How great! 🚀"


Well, I am not sure if I mentioned that this post is not about people. Here you go. So we will abandon people for the time and phrase an hypothesis "GameStop share price will be below $77 [$19.25] caused by GDP slowing and liquidity drying up".

Before we think about how to test this hypothesis lets dive into A) the extend of it and in general discuss B) factors that may determine the price movement as well as C) vice versa effects of the price movement.

A) Since you all know the GME chart by heart this may be no news to you. Looking at the share price since June 2021 the lowest point was $77.58 on March 14, followed by May 12 with $77.77. So within one year the lowest dips were on and around those two days, followed by late January. (Source:

B) Of course price is a function of demand and supply. Nah, just kidding, the price is fake af and under working theory caused by the following:

  1. As absolutely dominant factor since the big sneeze we see a "slide pattern", so like with a slide for kids it goes up very steep, coming back down gradual (see chart As speculation I think this is mainly to discourage possible new shareholders as the price goes down nearly all the time. Last year nearly every day new patterns were thought to be found on why and when the next upward movement would occur, but none really survived the "next cycle" and being absolutely crushed December last year to mid March this year.
  2. Options play a further significant role. We see that most options end up expiring worthless (e.g. see here[OPTIONS DD LINK TO BE UPDATED]). Yes, one can make significant money with options - if one is right predicting the price movement. But price mostly moves to max pain, sometimes even below to crush more calls than puts (especially in Q1 22). If I find the time and someone is interested I maybe will publish the data in a different post. As speculation price at any given time may reflect a strategy by option makers to maximize their earnings.
  3. SPECULATION: On the upper side the price is capped by ~~margin calls~~ (note: there are no margin calls for the big player), ~~keeping the balance in their books~~ (note: there are so many ways to hide their positions like swaps, companies abroad, ...). So the only real reason I can see to keep the price low is to just show new investors that GME is not an attractive investment.

C) What does price movement cause? You guessed it. Apes keep buying and DRSing the dip. The slope of "Total DRS Estimates" increases significantly after the dip in March, May and January as can be seen on Also RC bought the dip on March 22 (Source: On the other hand it looks like high prices are followed by a decreased slope. Would love someone to run some statistics. What do you think u/jonpro03?

So yeah, nothing new, but an interesting comparison. Bananas cheap = Apes buy more bananas. Bananas expensive = Apes buy less bananas. As always.

TL;DR: Price so far followed a "slide pattern" (up steeply, down gradually) with varying frequency to probably discourage new buyers. Also prices lead to maximized option maker profits. Apes bought and DRS'd the fkn dip and probably will do so again. SPECULATION: price upper bound is as low as possible also to discourage new investors.

Further statistical research could be done on how the price influences DRS rates to better predict them in the future.

Part 2: How to test the Hypothesis.

Originally, I wanted to also post my conclusions to Part 2 already. But I decided to rather publish the questions first and get your thoughts on those, maybe add some as well as your thoughts on their answers.

So, how can the hypotheses "GameStop share price will be below $77 [$19.25] (aka the monster dip) caused by GDP slowing and liquidity drying up" be tested?

  1. How much does GDP slowing aka recession combined with inflation lower Apes buying power?
  2. What's the ratio of buys vs sales in a monster dip under the conditions of 1. accompanied by massive MSM FUD?

Your thoughts are very welcome.

Just some thought exercise until MOASS.

Shiver me timbers.

Link to the archived version:

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Thank you. Much luv!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Absolutely, even if this wasn't the main target, censorship gets way harder to proof. At the beginning of my DD I thought it was most likely that reddit (radmins) only acts passively. But as I finished and reddit banned DRSyourGME and more subs I now think it most likely reddit itself is deeply involved in censoring GME.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Always welcome! Thanks for sharing your story my friend.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

At least there are some things very suspicious. E.g. a post of me got shadow banned in the Jungle mentioning that Fidality got a stake in Discord. I learned of this only when I did this DD.

Further there is a deleted post promoting switching from plan to book while also KEEPING fractionals, which in the light of heatlamp looks strange "Don't feed the hedgies like I accidentally did. You can keep fractional shares enrolled in the plan to keep from selling them, and that also keeps the account open that enables you to buy more" (

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Yes, I don't think a privately run server could withstand ... As soon as the audience grows big enough, there is a high chance this will be taken down, at least I fear so.



Disclaimer: This is a repost from the deleted sub DRSyourGME. Since this sub got deleted by reddit as did related DRS subs without proper warning, one may wonder how deep reddit is into censoring GME.

Welcome to the ASS.

So, we should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship, which necessarily needs platforms outside of reddit. Remember, not only does Reddit provide tools to censor, Reddit applies censorship rules for subs by themselves! We need Apes Shitstorm Shelter (ASS).

Quality of the Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM

We already defined censorship as deletion and suppression of content in part 1. Since companies cannot act against the law, we will exclude government ordered censorship. Further our Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM should have free access (registration via email, no payment required, no login required to read), it should be easy to publish content (small text to long from DD), if somehow possible it should already widely be known and accepted (so ado, also it should have a reliable platform (ddos resilient). As a bonus there should be end to end encryption for direct messages (DMs) to allow censorship free communication. Last but not least, we must know who owns a platform, so who has ultimate control over it and could have conflicting interests.

The platforms which may act as Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM

Some weeks ago GreeDplayer asked “What are the current alternatives for reddit?”. So here is the list: Minds, Youtube (Gangnam Style), mastadon, Twitter, Discord. There were also mentions of Telegram, Truth social, DIGG, Myspace Group, Lemmy. I won’t check those out but anyone is invited to do so and contribute.

Some of the biggest GME subs already have a Discord server, the two biggest by early 2022. While some of you might remember when Discord shut down VVSB in Jan 21, maybe it might be new to you that Fidelity became an investor in September 2021.

Rating the ASSes

Please poke holes into what I found. Happy to discuss ASS with you.

Minds and Twitter look promising

Looking at the table “Minds” looks like the perfect fit. I found it very interesting that before GreeDplayers post I haven’t in fact heard of it. Especially, since Patrick Byrne is on the board. Wow. However, the drawback is the comparably tiny user base. So “mental switching” costs might be too high for the majority.

Okay, so looking at the next best alternative this seems to be Twitter. But don’t they eat ASS I hear you say, don’t they delete or suppress content? They themselves say “Freedom of Speech, Not Reach” and define this within their rules and transparency policies. Well, trust is good control is better. Thankfully Twitter added the view count, so I checked Pultes tweets about [GME, $GME, GameStop, DRS] which without replies have about the same number of views as his other tweets (>100k-~600k or more). Additionally, there is GameStop, RC, Pulte and so many more active on twitter with a large active user base which might lead to a lower barrier to create an (additional) GME related account. A drawback certainly is that end to end encryption and long content is only provided for paid twitter blue accounts. Another issue to think about is, there is no content moderation but also no subs. So, everybody has to build up their follows or other techniques.

TL;DR: This post shall contribute in forming a backup communication plan, when shit hits the fan. While “Minds” looks like the optimal Apes Shitstorm Shelter, it is very limited in its user base yet. Twitter looks as it becomes the better solution with least censorship, a great reach already (RC, GameStop, Pulte, …) but end to end encryption and longer content creation has to be bought with twitter blue. Also, as there are no “subs” everyone has to build up their individual follows / news feed.



Disclaimer: This is a repost from the deleted subreddit DRSyourGME.

“[Censorship is] a system in which an authority limits the ideas that people are allowed to express and prevents books, films, works of art, documents, or other kinds of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because they include or support certain ideas”

Welcome to reddits “moderated” GME subs, looking back at part 1 and additional information

Part 1 TL;DR: censorship is different per sub and at some subs remarkable high (see table at the bottom). We should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship. Addition: roughly one day after part 1 reddit admins deployed censorship rules to the least censored sub.

In the first part I showed that most GME subs are heavily deleting posts. This in a range from 5% up to 60%. While the biggest subs (65k-876k members) range from 5-37% deleted posts. I found that one GME subreddit still allowed tagging subs or users, which was banned by reddit admins roughly a day after my post.

It is claimed that certain theories or authors are suppressed. Since it is not allowed to link to certain content or users, which in my point of view already is censorship, we will apply a workaround for further evidence.

We’ll take the GME subreddit with the lowest deletion rate (2%) which at the time post had roughly 10.5k subscribers. For the ten top posters of this subreddit ([INSERTSUBHERE]) we’ll check their deletion or orphanage rate with other GME subs ([USERNAME]/?all=true&showFilters=true&removedby=anti_evil_ops%2Cmod%2Cunknown%2Cmissing%2Corphaned). Just counting results starting at least at 20 posts and comments per sub content deletion averages around 11-17% and even peaks at 41% for a single user in one sub.

Due to the nature of reddits removal mechanism those users might not even be aware of the removal or orphanage of their content (see post 1).

So, we should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship, which necessarily needs platforms outside of reddit.



"Without the freedom to criticize, question and challenge the dominant narrative, [Streisand effect takes a little longer]" someone on censorship, probably

**Disclaimer: **This is a repost from the deleted sub DRSyourGME. Since this sub got deleted by reddit as did related DRS subs without proper warning, one may wonder how deep reddit is into censoring GME.

(Original) Edit #1: I posted the same content to another sub to test what happens. It was removed for tagging other subs / users, which seemed to work with lower traction posts/comments before. I updated the table accordingly.

(Original) Edit #2: You probably read the post of Bibic-Jr. Radmins reached out to the sub and implemented automod code to ban tagging users or subs also here. Updated to table.


Okay guys, you all know our favorite company is financially sound. Business is running fine. They got our back and I feel very comfortable with my investment as well as occasional additions.

However, I, as many of you, was rather disappointed by the low DRS numbers. I didn't put much thought into the rug pull theory and moved away from reddit for a while. Especially since I hated that sstonk banning tagging users or links to other subs. Interestingly, I learned about the heat lamp theory via Twitter (via a link to DRSyourGME). Looking at the bigger GME subs I saw nearly nothing of the theory, and yes the immense trading volume at the reporting date felt really interesting and discussable. So why wasn't there a discussion running?? Why weren't people talking about it? THEY WERE! It just got suppressed and deleted. Remembering back early 2021 when I learned so much from this community. FTD, where are the shares, OBV, dark pools, OTC, the big players, payment for order flow, bankruptcy jackpot, cellar boxing, sold but not yet purchased, Chewy, cats with bananas, overvoting, DRS and lots more. Oh man, such a fun time. One where my diamond hands were forged. And I really felt, this free sharing of DD and discussion was what was invaluable for household investors. During the same time it felt like a constant fight of suppression, narrative creation, censoring vs discussion and DD. Subs changed. Some valuable fellow household investors died during this journey. We never sold.

Talking with the community, I feel like everybody knows what’s happening regarding censorship and feeling it really sucks. So there should be a discussion on how household investors freedom of speech, discussion, sharing of DD can be made more resilient against censorship. We are at the event horizon, time may be relative, but there is no way back.

Thanks to all of you, putting so much effort into this community and registering the shares under your name! I salute you!

WTF happened? Censorship the fuk?

I am looking at all this censorship for a while and read some articles about how reddit is supposedly more and more making censorship really easy (shadow banning, removing posts without noticing you). This seems to be the case for every bigger web 2.0 company. (there are many sources, maybe read this: )

However, still reddit allowed wsb to continue during Jan 21 while others like discord shut down the discussion about GME completely. This could have been either a decision to try to control household investors in one system or genuine reddit standing to household investors. However, looking at what Twitter is currently doing to "uncensor", Reddit seems to be way behind - but this should be another discussion. Still reddit seems to provide much leeway to subreddit mods.

I want to focus in this part on censorship. I think it is equally important to talk about narratives, but this should also be another post.

So as a start lets pick three elements we define as censorship:

  • not allow to mention other subs (with good intentions)
  • not allow to tag other users to discuss
  • removing posts

The latter is surely a difficult topic to assess, since posts might be removed for various reasons. Debatable but legit reasons might be karma requirements not met, reposting of URLs, other spam or surely things against the law. The lesser debatable is removing discussion about new ideas or a new thesis (like the heat lamp), especially if it casts a narrative in a different light. Also an additional factor could be a narrow focus of a sub, e.g. just DD, all other content being removed. However, at first we will do a quantitative assessment, which results I found interesting enough to share with you.

So thanks to u/6days1week I came across reveddit and played a bit. I was very surprised by the results.

The settings were content: only posts, sort by: new, status: actioned with admin, mod, auto or unknown removed for 1000 items per page, before 2023-04-25.

To get the results yourself, just fill in the sub you want to check in [SUBREDDIT_NAME] without the brackets in the following URL:[SUBREDDIT_NAME]/?showFilters=true&n=1000&removedby=anti_evil_ops%2Cmod%2Cunknown&rr_sortby=rate&before=1682373600 e.g.

Furthermore, I checked on whether its allowed to tag subs or users.

As mentioned above, removal may have several reasons and is thus just an indicator for further questions.

Interesting topics to discuss further are:

  1. what narratives do exist and what happens if we openly discuss them?
  2. what part of the removal are actually regarding topics like book, dspp, heat lamp?
  3. how can the censorship resilience of the community be strengthened further?

Disclaimer: This is a repost from the deleted subreddit DRSyourGME.

“[Censorship is] a system in which an authority limits the ideas that people are allowed to express and prevents books, films, works of art, documents, or other kinds of communication from being seen or made available to the public, because they include or support certain ideas”

Welcome to reddits “moderated” GME subs, looking back at part 1 and additional information

Part 1 TL;DR: censorship is different per sub and at some subs remarkable high (see table at the bottom). We should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship. Addition: roughly one day after part 1 reddit admins deployed censorship rules to the least censored sub.

In the first part I showed that most GME subs are heavily deleting posts. This in a range from 5% up to 60%. While the biggest subs (65k-876k members) range from 5-37% deleted posts. I found that one GME subreddit still allowed tagging subs or users, which was banned by reddit admins roughly a day after my post.

It is claimed that certain theories or authors are suppressed. Since it is not allowed to link to certain content or users, which in my point of view already is censorship, we will apply a workaround for further evidence.

We’ll take the GME subreddit with the lowest deletion rate (2%) which at the time post had roughly 10.5k subscribers. For the ten top posters of this subreddit ([INSERTSUBHERE]) we’ll check their deletion or orphanage rate with other GME subs ([USERNAME]/?all=true&showFilters=true&removedby=anti_evil_ops%2Cmod%2Cunknown%2Cmissing%2Corphaned). Just counting results starting at least at 20 posts and comments per sub content deletion averages around 11-17% and even peaks at 41% for a single user in one sub.

Due to the nature of reddits removal mechanism those users might not even be aware of the removal or orphanage of their content (see post 1).

So, we should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship, which necessarily needs platforms outside of reddit.


Disclaimer: This is a repost from the deleted sub DRSyourGME. Since this sub got deleted by reddit as did related DRS subs without proper warning, one may wonder how deep reddit is into censoring GME.

Welcome to the ASS.

So, we should find ways to make the community more resilient against censorship, which necessarily needs platforms outside of reddit. Remember, not only does Reddit provide tools to censor, Reddit applies censorship rules for subs by themselves! We need Apes Shitstorm Shelter (ASS).

Quality of the Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM

We already defined censorship as deletion and suppression of content in part 1. Since companies cannot act against the law, we will exclude government ordered censorship. Further our Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM should have free access (registration via email, no payment required, no login required to read), it should be easy to publish content (small text to long from DD), if somehow possible it should already widely be known and accepted (so ado, also it should have a reliable platform (ddos resilient). As a bonus there should be end to end encryption for direct messages (DMs) to allow censorship free communication. Last but not least, we must know who owns a platform, so who has ultimate control over it and could have conflicting interests.

The platforms which may act as Apes Shitstorm Shelter TM

Some weeks ago GreeDplayer asked “What are the current alternatives for reddit?”. So here is the list: Minds, Youtube (Gangnam Style), mastadon, Twitter, Discord. There were also mentions of Telegram, Truth social, DIGG, Myspace Group, Lemmy. I won’t check those out but anyone is invited to do so and contribute.

Some of the biggest GME subs already have a Discord server, the two biggest by early 2022. While some of you might remember when Discord shut down VVSB in Jan 21, maybe it might be new to you that Fidelity became an investor in September 2021.

Rating the ASSes

Please poke holes into what I found. Happy to discuss ASS with you.

Minds and Twitter look promising

Looking at the table “Minds” looks like the perfect fit. I found it very interesting that before GreeDplayers post I haven’t in fact heard of it. Especially, since Patrick Byrne is on the board. Wow. However, the drawback is the comparably tiny user base. So “mental switching” costs might be too high for the majority.

Okay, so looking at the next best alternative this seems to be Twitter. But don’t they eat ASS I hear you say, don’t they delete or suppress content? They themselves say “Freedom of Speech, Not Reach” and define this within their rules and transparency policies. Well, trust is good control is better. Thankfully Twitter added the view count, so I checked Pultes tweets about [GME, $GME, GameStop, DRS] which without replies have about the same number of views as his other tweets (>100k-~600k or more). Additionally, there is GameStop, RC, Pulte and so many more active on twitter with a large active user base which might lead to a lower barrier to create an (additional) GME related account. A drawback certainly is that end to end encryption and long content is only provided for paid twitter blue accounts. Another issue to think about is, there is no content moderation but also no subs. So, everybody has to build up their follows or other techniques.

TL;DR: This post shall contribute in forming a backup communication plan, when shit hits the fan. While “Minds” looks like the optimal Apes Shitstorm Shelter, it is very limited in its user base yet. Twitter looks as it becomes the better solution with least censorship, a great reach already (RC, GameStop, Pulte, …) but end to end encryption and longer content creation has to be bought with twitter blue. Also, as there are no “subs” everyone has to build up their individual follows / news feed.


"Without the freedom to criticize, question and challenge the dominant narrative, [Streisand effect takes a little longer]" someone on censorship, probably

**Disclaimer: **This is a repost from the deleted sub DRSyourGME. Since this sub got deleted by reddit as did related DRS subs without proper warning, one may wonder how deep reddit is into censoring GME.

(Original) Edit #1: I posted the same content to another sub to test what happens. It was removed for tagging other subs / users, which seemed to work with lower traction posts/comments before. I updated the table accordingly.

(Original) Edit #2: You probably read the post of Bibic-Jr. Radmins reached out to the sub and implemented automod code to ban tagging users or subs also here. Updated to table.


Okay guys, you all know our favorite company is financially sound. Business is running fine. They got our back and I feel very comfortable with my investment as well as occasional additions.

However, I, as many of you, was rather disappointed by the low DRS numbers. I didn't put much thought into the rug pull theory and moved away from reddit for a while. Especially since I hated that sstonk banning tagging users or links to other subs. Interestingly, I learned about the heat lamp theory via Twitter (via a link to DRSyourGME). Looking at the bigger GME subs I saw nearly nothing of the theory, and yes the immense trading volume at the reporting date felt really interesting and discussable. So why wasn't there a discussion running?? Why weren't people talking about it? THEY WERE! It just got suppressed and deleted. Remembering back early 2021 when I learned so much from this community. FTD, where are the shares, OBV, dark pools, OTC, the big players, payment for order flow, bankruptcy jackpot, cellar boxing, sold but not yet purchased, Chewy, cats with bananas, overvoting, DRS and lots more. Oh man, such a fun time. One where my diamond hands were forged. And I really felt, this free sharing of DD and discussion was what was invaluable for household investors. During the same time it felt like a constant fight of suppression, narrative creation, censoring vs discussion and DD. Subs changed. Some valuable fellow household investors died during this journey. We never sold.

Talking with the community, I feel like everybody knows what’s happening regarding censorship and feeling it really sucks. So there should be a discussion on how household investors freedom of speech, discussion, sharing of DD can be made more resilient against censorship. We are at the event horizon, time may be relative, but there is no way back.

Thanks to all of you, putting so much effort into this community and registering the shares under your name! I salute you!

WTF happened? Censorship the fuk?

I am looking at all this censorship for a while and read some articles about how reddit is supposedly more and more making censorship really easy (shadow banning, removing posts without noticing you). This seems to be the case for every bigger web 2.0 company. (there are many sources, maybe read this: )

However, still reddit allowed wsb to continue during Jan 21 while others like discord shut down the discussion about GME completely. This could have been either a decision to try to control household investors in one system or genuine reddit standing to household investors. However, looking at what Twitter is currently doing to "uncensor", Reddit seems to be way behind - but this should be another discussion. Still reddit seems to provide much leeway to subreddit mods.

I want to focus in this part on censorship. I think it is equally important to talk about narratives, but this should also be another post.

So as a start lets pick three elements we define as censorship:

  • not allow to mention other subs (with good intentions)
  • not allow to tag other users to discuss
  • removing posts

The latter is surely a difficult topic to assess, since posts might be removed for various reasons. Debatable but legit reasons might be karma requirements not met, reposting of URLs, other spam or surely things against the law. The lesser debatable is removing discussion about new ideas or a new thesis (like the heat lamp), especially if it casts a narrative in a different light. Also an additional factor could be a narrow focus of a sub, e.g. just DD, all other content being removed. However, at first we will do a quantitative assessment, which results I found interesting enough to share with you.

So thanks to u/6days1week I came across reveddit and played a bit. I was very surprised by the results.

The settings were content: only posts, sort by: new, status: actioned with admin, mod, auto or unknown removed for 1000 items per page, before 2023-04-25.

To get the results yourself, just fill in the sub you want to check in [SUBREDDIT_NAME] without the brackets in the following URL:[SUBREDDIT_NAME]/?showFilters=true&n=1000&removedby=anti_evil_ops%2Cmod%2Cunknown&rr_sortby=rate&before=1682373600 e.g.

Furthermore, I checked on whether its allowed to tag subs or users.

As mentioned above, removal may have several reasons and is thus just an indicator for further questions.

Interesting topics to discuss further are:

  1. what narratives do exist and what happens if we openly discuss them?
  2. what part of the removal are actually regarding topics like book, dspp, heat lamp?
  3. how can the censorship resilience of the community be strengthened further?
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