I currently get Hulu+ and Disney+ free through my Verizon plan. Paying for Max, AppleTv, and Netflix, but cutting Netfix once I get done finishing up a few more shows. I think 3 tv subscriptions is my max limit. If one starts sucking for content then I'll swap out. I think $25/month is super reasonable for tv entertainment.
Part of me quietly hopes the current strikes in Hollywood really starts to affect quality and quantity across the board and there'll be some kind of price reset as a result. I'd also like more of a reason to stop watching tv as much and start going out to parks and stuff.
Single person here. I eat out nearly everyday but not necessarily at full service restaurants. A lot of times it's fast casual fare that has fresh and healthy options - think Mediterranean plates, poke bowls, deli sandwiches, etc. A typical day is $15-$25 that covers two meals.
Yes, I could be saving some money by cooking at home but the time, gas, and energy I would need to spend makes it not worth it. I've also found that my attempts at cooking leads to a lot of food waste. A 2.5 lbs roast is equal to 2 weeks of meals for me and even though I could freeze some of it, I know from past experience that ill never pull it out of deep freezer storage. I'll get bored of eating the same thing after a few days and then abandon everything.
I like eating out because I get to do a variety of foods throughout the week, enjoy the social aspect, and like to support good local businesses with my money. Some tips if you go this route:
I always bring my containers for leftovers. I get to pack things my way and I'm 90% more likely to eat my leftovers.
I always bring my own drink (when possible), usually water to cut down cost.
Sometimes I'll bring my own dessert, like a snickers bar, to not be tempted to buy their desserts.
Less/no tip for fast casual