
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Yeah, nothing back there except tons of highly radioactive waste that nobody knows what to do with for the next million years, nothing back there but the risk of contaminating a whole region with radioactive shit like it happened in Chernobyl and Fukushima, nothing back there except for overly expensive energy that's only cheap because governments subsidized the shit out of it because they thought it was the new big thing you need to have, and now they still do just because. Don't get me worng, it's probably still a tiny bit better than burning fossils. But it's still bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Is this a joke?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Oh, super cool, danke für den Link

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Kann man seinen Account irgendwie komplett umziehen, oder gehen alte Posts und Kommentare dann halt verloren?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (5 children)

Looking at your comments here, I can see why that was happening to you on reddit.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

They just display a tiny bit of text and images, they should switch between screens at 60fps, not 2s per click.

I think this is intentional. They want you to take time looking at the pictures so you might think "you know what, actually I'd like some of those fries as well" by making it hard to just quickly select what you want and leave.

I wouldn't even be surprised if there's a psychological effect where you feel like ordering more makes this tedious ordering process more worthy. I mean why go through 2 minutes of clicking and waiting just for one stupid cheeseburger.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

And anytime you clicked on a link or image in the chat, you'll have to click into the message field again (or press Ctrl+t) to be able to type a reply. I don't understand how this absolutely infuriating thing hasn't been fixed in years. Is nobody bothered by this? I want to be able to alt+tab into signal and just start typing ffs.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Rock stars, groupies, parties and drugs are as old as music itself.

That doesn't apply to having a team that does sex casting on social media for the artist though.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 months ago (19 children)

Just in case you missed it: there have been serious accusations against Till Lindemann, the singer of Rammstein, recently. Apparently his band managers contact young female Rammstein fans on social media before concerts, inviting them to secret after show parties where they get lots of alcohol and Till can choose one to drug even more and take to bed with him. Multiple women have come forward with similar claims and the social media thing has been well documented as far as I know. The case went to court but was dropped because there wasn't enough proof and now he acts like nothing ever happened. I think everyone listening to the band should know about this.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

For me it's having to make an emergency call and the person on the other end either just won't listen properly, ignore me, not understand me, act in a weird way, or the call has technical problems like there is no reception where I am and I have to run around forever to find signal or a different phone.

I have no idea where that comes from, I've never even made an emergency call.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

That looks so photoshopped


Ich bin ehrlich gesagt gerade ziemlich empört. Vom Arbeitsverbot also direkt zur Zwangsarbeit - bei einer Vergütung von 0,80€ pro Stunde? Kann dem Deutschen Landkreistag mal jemand die Lacklieferungen streichen?


Hallo zusammen, ich suche eine Hafermilch als daily driver, primär für Kaffee. Deswegen sollte sie möglichst nicht allzu dünnflüssig sein, gerne sogar eine Baristavariante. Da ich schon jeden Tag davon trinke, hätte ich ganz gerne, dass Calcium zugesetzt ist, und sehr gern dürfen auch weitere Nährstoffe und Vitamine wie D und B12 drin sein. Alpro und Oatly ist mir aber zu teuer.

Kann da jemand was empfehlen? Würde mich sehr freuen!


Ich muss demnächst für ein Buffet etwas mitbringen (Salat, Dips, Brot, irgendwas) und hab kaum Zeit (und Lust hust) etwas vorzubereiten. Kann mir jemand was Leckeres empfehlen, das in maximal 20 min zubereitet ist? Muss nicht gesund sein, nur lecker. Zielgruppe sind Omnis, also gerne auch irgendwas mit Ersatzprodukten o.ä. Bonuspunkte wenn es auch noch gut zu transportieren ist.


Bei Aldi gibt's jetzt diese vegane Salami mit Pfefferrand. Ist, glaube ich, die salamigste vegane Salami, die ich bisher probiert habe. Gibt auch noch eine Variante mit Chili, die auch nicht schlecht ist, aber die mit Pfeffer finde ich wirklich absolut herausragend.

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