[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

That's going to be very difficult to achieve. Anything below the Berne convention is a legal impossibility.

What I think should happen, is that digital preservation should become a recognized fair use.

For example, digital content should be offered without DRM and at minimum price to recognized libraries for archival purposes.

If this is not done, the libraries may break the DRM themselves.

As soon as the copyright holder stops offering the content at reasonable prices to the public, the libraries are free to lend out the DRM-free content to the public.

And when the copyright term expires and the works enter the public domain, the libraries may immediately offer the DRM-free copies to the public.

The advantage of such a scheme is that it only requires one country to legally mandate it. And that country will not be in violation of the Berne convention or other treaties.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I have read a lot of reports on how Texas doesn't provide polling places in poorer, minority neighbourhoods, forcing them to travel far to vote.

And I have also heard reports of people who had to stand in line for hours to vote in Texas. Again, in poorer, minority neighbourhoods.

Are you saying those reports are not true?

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

Agreed. And to your point, competitive states without voter suppression like Wisconsin and Michigan had turnout of around 75%, while Texas (which is most known for suppressing voters) only achieved 60% turnout.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 3 days ago

The problem is, the people who are swayed by this argument were already going to vote Blue no matter who.

To win the election, you need to convince voters who are still doubting between Trump and Biden. And they have definitely heard this argument before, so a different argument is needed.

[-] [email protected] -4 points 3 days ago

With this kind of crab mentality, it's going to be a race to the bottom.

[-] [email protected] 61 points 1 week ago

John Stewart always finds the best way to express what I'm feeling.

Regardless of the outcome, this election will go down as a shit stain on history.

I just hope the outcome doesn't turn it into explosive diarrhea.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 1 week ago

Religion, sexual orientation, union membership and political beliefs have all been used in the past to persecute people.

To think that it's not possible again is naive.

Privacy is the most fundamental right to be free.

Without privacy, the Chinese CCP model will be the model we all will eventually live under.

[-] [email protected] 92 points 2 weeks ago

Good post, but we really need to get out of the generational thinking.

I know rich and poor boomers. I know rich and poor millenials, and gen X/Z.

It's a class struggle. Always has been.

Stop making it a generational battle. That only serves to divide the working class.

Yes, there is racism, ageism, sexism. We should debate those things and improve, but we can't let those things divide us politically.

And since I'm ranting, let me end with a solution. We need to find themes that help all of us.

So perhaps we should say: for example, everyone with less than $1M in wealth gets a $20K tax deduction.

Who could oppose that? It doesn't benefit home owners vs. renters. It doesn't benefit students vs. retirees. It doesn't benefit city dwellers vs. rural. Or white vs. black.

But it does benefit the class who owns nothing and gives them a better chance to own something.

[-] [email protected] 71 points 2 months ago

Dude, I fully agree.

My eyes have really been opened.

Anti-muslim sentiment has been going on for a really long time. I thought it was just a few racist uncles who overreacted to 9/11.

But now that the propaganda and suppression is in full swing, it's become abundantly clear. It's not just normal people, it's a coordinated disinformation campaign.

Lemmy is still a relatively safe and reasonable space.

[-] [email protected] 143 points 2 months ago

When starting these meds, Euphoria is a common side effect.

It can still make a huge difference in your life, but the euphoria isn't permanent.

[-] [email protected] 93 points 2 months ago

The US allegedly spent a billion dollars intercepting these missiles.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is all out of air defense and only Germany seems to be sending an extra patriot on the short-term.

As a European, I think the wakeup call is to start taking European security more seriously, since the USA seems to have other priorities.

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