
joined 10 months ago

I had heard of Tailscale, vaguely knew it was low-touch VPN, but I never bothered to look into it because I had Cloudflare tunnels and DNS/routing that I was satisfied with.

But that post here from a few days back got me to finally look into Tailscale.

And just - wow. I can't believe how dead simple this is. No more messing with cloudflare cli for tunneling. Easiest user management I could ask for. AND I can 1-click designate exit nodes?? So I can watch xfinity stream on my apple tv outside my home now??

I fucking love Tailscale.

Someone out there surely can relate to my first paragraph. If you are that person - this is your sign to go look into Tailscale NOW


I have a plex setup on Ubuntu with Deluge, Jackett, *arr apps, etc. All is gravy.

Except I currently need to manually run rclone copyto on completed Deluge torrents in order to [reliably] pipe the media to rclone/Plex.


  1. Deluge downloads to ~/local/
  2. rclone is mounted to ~/gdrive/ using:
rclone mount gdrive: ~/gdrive --allow-other --vfs-cache-mode off --bwlimit 15M --tpslimit 4 --tpslimit-burst 4
  1. Plex serves from ~/gdrive/Media/TV and ~/gdrive/Media/Movies

Initially I was using Deluge Labels to auto-move completed downloads, but this resulted in IO errors (and occasionally illegal disk seeks when I messed with enabling vfs cache writes).

I tried setting up a cron job to monitor ~/local/ for completed files then copying to rclone, but that resulted in IO errors.

The ONLY reliable solution I've found is manually running rclone copyto from a screen session for completed downloads. It works but it's a pain in the ass.

My questions for yall:

  1. Any idea why I'm getting these IO errors? I'm not pegging the CPU or the disk. There doesn't seem to be hardware issue, it really feels like the problem relates to rclone and Google's APIs

  2. Any idea how to troubleshoot this and get downloads automatically moving? Any logging mechanism I use (Deluge, rcloone, kernel) just gives generic IO errors. It doesn't point me in any direction