
joined 11 months ago

Hey all, v3.4 of flatnotes has just been released and I wanted to share it here in case anyone is interested.

For those that are unfamiliar, flatnotes is a self-hosted, database-less note-taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage. You can see a demo at

The latest v3.4 release greatly improves support for images. Previously, images were converted to base64 which was then embedded in the markdown file. Unfortunately, this didn't make for a great experience when editing as you'd have to navigate around a large blob of base64 text.

In this new release, images are now uploaded to an /attachments directory located alongside the notes and then a simple link to the image is inserted into the markdown file (e.g. ![My Photo](/attachments/my-photo.jpg)).

Since I last posted about flatnotes here there have also been many other improvements including a new read_only authentication mode which allows you to use flatnotes as a searchable front end for a bunch of markdown files.

I hope this is useful to some of you. Let me know if you have any questions.