... Only left leaning people.
The pattern I noticed with Maga fans, is they all bought what he was selling: fuvk those other people. Maybe it is refugees and immigrates, LGBT, peaceful protesters, women. So much for society, vote for greed and self interest.
And they voted in support, so it seems like karma to me.
He only speaks it at the rallys
I've got some ace friends, we all see the insanity in the world, then focus on playing a board game. Current favorite: Terraforming Mars
Yeah, people feel threatened by any behavior that doesn't conform to their norms. I practice apathy towards their attitudes, and keep an eye out for violence.
That's not how it works.
When LOTR memes and Star Trek memes find cross dimensional travel.
The gender war continues, and my nonbinary ass is sitting back and not getting involved.
We are just trying to have our cake and eat it too. Btw, when will the group maker spaces scheduled to make the guillotines?
I heard you like mashups, but have you had mashup on your mashups?