
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes. Former presidents do not lose their benefits if they're convicted of crimes and sent to prison; changing that would take an act of Congress, and there's probably not enough political will or support to curtail the executive branch in such a way.

If he's actually given a prison sentence and not home confinement, though, I feel that they'd likely hold him in a military prison- for his own safety, to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't keep committing crimes or attempt to flee, and to dissuade jailbreak attempts by outside actors.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Once the encryption schemes are broken, it's not just posterity, but every malicious actor with access to encryption-breaking tech will have a field day.

I don't mind a large collection of data about me being made available to historians, I just mind that happening with my contemporaries.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

There's a lot of changes I appreciate, though sometimes I feel they can be a little heavy-handed when they try to address cheezing progression. We'll see after it launches if this update nerfed the bone reward so much that it's not worth hunting down on the larger maps without the spirit board, since the candle was the only other reliable way to find the bone without risking death on large maps. (At least in my experience.)

I'm totally okay with the bone reward nerf in and of itself; I just hope they adjusted the map size modifier enough to make it worth hunting down on bigger maps with the added likelihood of sanity loss and risk of death those maps will have.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

A better comparison is with studio-owned movie theaters, which eventually led to the United States' Paramount Antitrust Consent Decree (which was the law of the land for movies until the DOJ killed this ruling in 2020.)

I don't feel that studios should get to have their own streaming services much like how I don't feel movie studios should be allowed to run their own theaters.

For all of its faults, cable had a ton of competition between studios on the same distribution system, often with multiple channels with the same focus by entirely different studios. With current streaming services, ther are more accounts to keep track of, completely different (and often lackluster) UX between each streaming service which can make navigating a pain, and instead of competing with new content it can be just as- if not more- viable to buy up as much pop culture video content as possible and centralize it behind one studio-owned streaming services' paywall. (Looking at you, Disney.)

If streaming services weren't allowed to have their own studios, we'd probably have a better streaming landscape than we currently do.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Yes, but Senate approval for higher promotions is supposed to function as a check on the presidents' military powers. I'm by no means an expert, but I think the idea is that having the Senate vote to approve or deny promotions of a certain level or above keeps the president from installing a bunch of loyal followers to key positions and then dissolving the other branches of government through threat or use of his new personal military force.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

It sounds like a fuel explosion was caused by a fire that started across the street and spread.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I haven't thought of that channel in over a decade, wow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

We means-test student financial and medical aid based on total household income regardless of whether other people in the home actually contribute to your finances. Similarly, this could mean people who don't actually benefit from the wealth of their families (re: adult children suffering financial abuse from their wealthy parents) could be barred from holding office regardless of their actual circumstances, behavior, or political beliefs.

I feel it's be unethical to put into place a system of political exclusion in the first place, but especially if it could affect people who aren't actually causing harm themselves and are only guilty by association or the circumstances of their birth.

It'd also probably require a constitutional amendment, because it's adding additional eligibility requirements on public office positions, which are outlined in the constitution, iirc.

Instead of barring people from political office based on our means-testing practices, why not just institute a progressive wealth tax that caps at 100%, with a significant part of the funds generated dedicated to enforcing tax laws on the wealthy?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I highly recommend Pathbuilder, as well. It makes sure all the math is correct and nobody adds more or less than they're supposed to during character creation or level up while making it clear that something is off. You can even export the player info as stat blocks instead of as a character sheet. I used it to double check my party during character creation in FoundryVTT since it didn't have nearly as many guardrails.

Here are my only gripes, and they're all related. For context, I have the Android version:

-Unarmed Attacks aren't automatically added to the Offense category; they have to be added manually, which adds some tedium since even character can make unarmed attacks unless otherwise stated. -A number of ancestry traits that add special unarmed attacks, such as Taloned Tengu or the basic Sharp Beak, aren't reflected in the "Weapon" category for unarmed attacks, so you have to create a "custom" unarmed weapon to give the player, which adds tedium because you have to make sure you add all of the correct traits yourself and name it correctly. At least on mobile, you cannot switch from the custom weapon creation popup and the build tab without closing the popup first, meaning you can't reference the trait directly in the app while manually creating it in the menu. -If any custom/modified equipment is applied to the character, then those abilities will be labeled as 3rd Party with no way to remove the trait even if you delete it from the trait field during creation. So anyone playing an ancestry that Pathbuilder hasn't yet fully implemented will have "3rd Party" listed as a trait, adding unnecessary clutter and possible confusion. -Weapon creation requires picking 1-2 hands even if it doesn't use hands, such as a jaws or s beak.

For me it was a bit frustrating dealing with these particular issues since I have both a Gnoll and a Tengu in the party, both of whom have unarmed attacks in addition to fists, including ones which wouldn't use a hand.

If you're okay with filling in some of the gaps, then none of this should really be an issue. Everything else about the app has been lovely.

Edited to clarify, add additional info, and correct a spelling mistake.