[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago

So you think fascism is the answer? You would vote against minorities, in the US and around the world, to somehow save the people that are on the list of those the fascists plan to eliminate? You are voting for the leopard, and telling everyone to just deal with all the face eating? Weird stance, but if you can take a stance against everything you believe in, and believe that is somehow making things "better" more power to you I guess. You've drank your Kool-Aid and are just waiting for the meteor at this point.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 days ago

So you speak for all marginalized groups and think fascism is something they can just endure so that you can protest vote for a president that has vowed to do the thing you are protesting, only on a larger scale and against the majority of Americans. That is your stance? Don't be surprised when the leopard eats your face!

[-] [email protected] 243 points 2 weeks ago

This is quid pro quo being ruled as NOT bribery because it comes to the person on the backside of the favor. This is almost certainly to do with the majority of the court recently being outed about the amount of high value ~~bribes~~ gifts/vacations they are getting from "friends".

[-] [email protected] 148 points 3 weeks ago

If you’re out there working and didn’t go to college, Joe Biden’s forgiving student loans, and you’re paying for them,” the Republican senator said on Fox News Sunday.

OK, so my pennies, which amount to a rounding error, are making it so someone else can get their head above water? What is the bad/scary/dictator part?? They are so afraid of education, as the second you can do critical thinking their whole fear mongering platform of lies falls apart.

[-] [email protected] 131 points 1 month ago

For those not upset and see the band "just playing a gig", what would be a line that you personally would consider too far? Would you be ok with them doing a private show for Netanyahu and his cabinet? Would a private show for Trump and his Republican lackeys be ok? How about Nestle CEO and its board, but none of its workers? Would a private show for the Proud Boys be ok if they had a "dump truck full of cash"?

[-] [email protected] 70 points 3 months ago

I think the issue here is that you no longer can have "balanced" political discussion when one side cannot help but regurgitate conspiracy theories, disinformation, and just 100% proven false statements in bad faith. The minute you platform these people any meaningful "debate" evaporates and you're left with discussion not based on anything in reality. And trying to only works to drag the Overton Window to the right.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 3 months ago

It is also not in their job description to disperse "justice", or do anything but apprehend suspects and then allow the Justice System we have in place to deal with that. The second they step outside of that description they should be treated like any other citizen who took vigilante justice into their own hands, being charged and tried as such.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 3 months ago

As someone of color, I wonder if she would agree with the KKK discriminating against her, as they also consider themselves "Christians" spreading hate against people over things they do not control.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

So by doing this the way she has set it up, she can now allow Trump's lawyers to present this amazingly poor case that the espionage act is too vague. If she then grants that motion to toss the charge, Jack Smith cannot appeal it, nor can Trump be charged with it again because of Double Jeopardy.

Our only hope is that Jack Smith is right now working on his case to force her recusal from the case, that he'll need to make to the 11th circuit.

EDIT - This all requires a jury sworn in - forgot that part.

[-] [email protected] 138 points 4 months ago

So this isn't about actual gamers, this about bad actors looking for chuds to recruit through games, which is not a new concept. It used to be chat rooms, and then forums, then social media, now games (as many have social features).

I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

[-] [email protected] 266 points 6 months ago

I'm sure Canonical's neverending death march towards Snap, along with the OS running outdated packages, is why Valve no longer uses Ubuntu for SteamOS development. The greatest April Fools was Ubuntu dropping Snaps because so many people were saying how they could go back to using Ubuntu again...then they noticed it was a joke and the sadness set in.

[-] [email protected] 76 points 8 months ago

Asking your supporters to engage in voter intimidation for the next election when you've been charged, and will be tried shortly, for leading an insurrection after the last election seems like a great game plan. /s

I can't imagine being this guys lawyer. You must either be eating a handful of Tums every night, or your just as loony as him and actually don't see how everything he says and does it toxic to himself and everyone in his orbit.

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