[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Grab your pitchforks gang. OP is selling us snake oil posts!!!

[-] [email protected] 35 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There was a lot of "fuck"s in there. Almost too much. Like it was deliberately fucky to make a point. Like they said "Add more fucks to it so parents know this is Disney but not Disneyland. Leave kiddos at home."

[-] [email protected] 32 points 2 months ago

Google hasn't been Google for a long time. It makes me sad.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 3 months ago

Love GraphQL, but oh man is it being over used at my company. Management sees success with one of our large apis, now all the little niche ones have to be migrated and everyone consuming them must migrate as well.

I like it, but the small 2 endpoint APIs that haven't changed in years, have small 5 field models and no related entities, has like 1 or 2 teams that consume them DO NOT need it.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 4 months ago

I feel like this should have been done a long time ago and is a given.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 6 months ago

Story incoming...

When I was about 12 my family, a long with my uncle, went on a camping trip in Gorman California. The sun had just gone down and we had a fire and we're listening to the radio. My mom was in the trailer with my other siblings and my dad, uncle and I were heating up hot dogs by the fire.

These 2 men walk up to our fire out of the dark and sit down and start being super belligerent and creepy. They have knives and who the hell else knows what. They demand beer and hotdogs. My dad, asks them to leave after giving them both a beer and dog. They don't and keep getting more aggressive. They start talking about things like coming in to the trailer and what what else they can have.

My uncle starts to get brave and tell them to get the fuck out. They don't like that and become more aggressive and get out their seats to hurt him. MY Dad tells them he has more to drink in the trailer. He walks into the trailer and walks back out with 2 hand guns and points them at they guys and tells them to get the fuck out or die. I'd like to say it felt heroic seeing him do this, but I was so freaking scared out of my mind. The men leave and you can hear their motorcycles start up and they drive away.

Earlier that day my uncle kept making fun of my dad for being his guns. And telling him he doesn't need them. In the end, we absolutely did need them and it may have even saved our lives at most.

I don't have a moral of the story here. Just a story. I don't carry in public. I'm not even a huge gun guy. But I have one. And it goes with me camping.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 8 months ago

Omg those look so real. Ugh.... The legs are perfect. I hate it. Great job.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 9 months ago

Why does the article have to say "Obama-era"? Net neutrality is just net neutral and we don't need to add extra labels to create a headline. Annoying.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago

Need more information. I'm ready for a new genre of music to jam to.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I live paycheck to paycheck on 150k/year. Every time I made more, more was needed for rent, medical, car maintenance, lemon cars breaking down, gas, 3 kids food... Right on the perfect path where every time I needed something I was in the perfect position to be fucked by high interest rates and not being able to make sound financial decisions before hand. Because I never started with money. I get so angry when people tell me "but you make good money." But I have tons of debt from living on the edge for decades. I do absolutely nothing because I have no money left over at the end of each paycheck.

No idea where $610/month is going to come from. So again, yes I make "good money" but the path to get here has taken it all and is still taking. And I most certainly will not be able to pay. And I'm certain it stress me out, possiblity destroy what little credit I have left so I can continue to fucked further in the future with little to no opportunity to save or get ahead.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

My rent went up $800 in one year! And because it was a two year lease it was justified. After living in CA my whole life and renting for decades, I had to move as simply couldn't afford it. Had I not had family to help me get out, I suppose I'd be homeless or have to squat. Every time I made more money, rent and cost of living took more. Never had a rich family member die and leave me money to buy a house. Housing shouldn't be a money making scheme for those who already have money. I feel like it should be pretty simple to see it's wrong.

People would say, "you just have to save up for it." Save what?!

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