
joined 10 months ago

I asked the other day about home audio setups under £250. Sonos was the most popular answer but it seems to be out my budget (4 rooms).

Google mini's are £22 each. I could get one in every room, plus bathrooms, & still have money left over.

All I need is to play audio, mostly Spotify, from my TV, phone & desktop. Pretty sure this'll do that.

For my TV, (By chance, I've gotten a Google Chromecast), which I think could link to these but I need to research that more.

Am I missing anything or would this be a good setup for me?


While I can get to all these wired in with some really long cat5 cables, I'd rather have wireless data to them, so I can be more flexible with their positioning.

I'd like to be able to connect 2 different devices to them at once to play 2 different tracks in different rooms, but also be able to pick which rooms the speakers play in. I'd probably use 4-5 speakers across 3-4 rooms. I'd love to be able to use my phone, PC & TV ideally as inputs.

I can put a pi or such next to my router to control all these if needs be.

Budget is aiming at £250.

Any suggestions?