
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

My laptop is a Lenovo 12-inch Thinkpad X270. It was only bought last year because I desperately needed a laptop and didn't have much money for it. The CPU is a Core i5-6300U, 8 GB of RAM, two 256 GB SSDs and the FHD touchscreen. At home it is connected to a Lenovo Ultra Dock and a 29" widescreen. Ubuntu / Windows 10 dual boot.

I'm using one for watching videos, mails, studying and coding (just basic webdev stuff). The apps I'm mostly using right now besides the usual stuff are Pro Tools, IntelliJ IDEA and Webstorm, so not just super light stuff, I'd say. The fans are pretty much always running, which doesn't really bother me. For watching videos...Anything beyond 1080p gets choppy.

Ubuntu generally feels a bit more responsive than Windows, but Windows is perfectly usable IMO.

Is it perfect? No. I'd rather have a current gen Lifebook if I had the choice. But it's definitely not as bad and unusable as I've read in other posts. I might have to upgrade eventually, but at this point in time I see little reason to get anything better.