
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

In the past I have run sway, (this was a few years ago before hyprland was even a thing). Sway works very well imo and once you find a nix example config you are good to go. Nwg-shell seems pretty solid and have tried it in the past.

Hyprland is also very solid but haven't tinkered much. Config seems more confusing to me, but possibly lack of experience with it. If you want fancy animations and touch gestures it works well.

I personally would avoid xorg window managers (i3, awesome, dwm) unless you really need xorg. If need be then try i3 and move to sway after, as the configs are designed to be transferable.

These days though running standard desktop environments I've found the best as it comes with all the bits like notification daemons etc without having to cobble something together and possibly miss functionality.