[-] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

I'm sticking to Humble Monthly.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Not for concrete itself, but certainly how it's produced. The largest contributing factor to the production of concrete is energy and fossil fuels.

As for how functionality applies to meat; meat is incredibly nutrient dense, with certain vitamins, such as B12 or A, being in high quantity compared to other sources, or having certain nutrients simply not found anywhere else, such as taurine, creatine, or carnitine.

To reduce the environmental impact of food, which applies to all food and not just meat, we need to accept the idea of not having excess of everything. We don't need 5 different cuts of meat from 3 different brands. We don't need 5 different kinds of apples. We don't need a whole shopping isle filled with... Goodness knows how many different kinds of cereal.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

Yes, but such arguments are misplaced. Their issue is then not with the meat industry but with the current state of the world as a whole. But because animals have a central nervous system, and people love being activists without actually doing anything, they become vegan.

Concrete, the creation of it, and the transportation of it, is probably one of the biggest contributors to climate change. Smart devices, sneakers, t-shirts, and toys, amongst many other things, are created by what is essentially the modern day equivalent to slavery. Many exotic "superfoods" come from third world countries where the local natives can no longer afford to eat it because costs have been driven up, because it all needs to be exported so some blond chick can have it on her toast. Lithium is probably the most important resource right now, yet it's production of it is highly destructive to the environment. Traditional farming is causing soil fatigue, contamination of ground water, and the destruction of complex ecosystems in place of monocultures, but people hate on GMOs, "chemicals", and vertical farming.

These are problems that effect our society and our environment that even the most militant vegans make use of on a daily basis. The lifestyle vegans have (the ones we hear about in the news and see in the Internet, not the far flung tribes or humble Buddhist monks) cannot exist without modern society. So militant vegans are hypocrites.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 6 days ago

That article was a very good read.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago


After the 2008 crisis me and my family were homeless for 6 years. We survived a lot by dumpster diving, and it was quite a shock to see the sheer amount of food getting dumped, even for just minor reasons.

Like a pack of 12 fruit yogurts, of which a lid on just one was compromised. Eyup, thrown out.

And that's not counting all the food that gets dumped before it comes to supermarket shelves.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago

No, you've just said something else nonsensical:

Humans don't feature any of the materials we need to consume as they're already inside of us, hence we consume the materials from other lifeforms (Yes, that includes plants) who produce the things we lack.

So cannibalism isn't good. Neither is eating a carnivore.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 days ago

If you think that's bad, you should see what farming does to plants.

[-] [email protected] 117 points 2 weeks ago

"Because" is spelled wrong.

[-] [email protected] 178 points 2 weeks ago

Welp... There goes physical media...

[-] [email protected] 126 points 3 weeks ago

Here in Denmark a crazed man attacked the Fields shopping center with a couple of hunting rifles. The first time something like this happened in a very long time.

Danish armed police had a quick response time. Loads of dudes with in full body armour and MP-5s guarding every main exit while other guys went inside to clear out the civilians and hunt the shooter down.

The sniper equipped helicopter circling the shopping center spotted the shooter coming out of a service door and he subsequently got caught.

I think in total only 5 people died, which was from the short period when the guy started shooting.

All the right wing gun addicts from America were chest thumping and table banging, shouting all over social media that this somehow was an example that gun laws don't work. However, considering this happened within a short period after the school shooting in America, all it truly did was make American police look like a bad joke.

[-] [email protected] 130 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Well well well. I thought Russia said the nazis were in Ukraine. Huh. Funny, that.

[-] [email protected] 105 points 8 months ago

No, no, and maybe yes.

There is no Marvel fatigue. There is no superhero saturation. What there is, is simply trash. Make a shit superhero movie and the movie will just be shit. It has nothing to do with there being superheroes.

Hollywood doesn't get it. People don't seem to get it either. But these phases are just repeating itself. It used to be cowboys. It used to be cops. Then pirates. It used to be sword and sandals.

Cowboy movies are fun. So are pirate movies and superhero movies. If they're made well!

The moment some execs look at a bunch of numbers and think "Oh, people will pay money to see X", THAT is when things go wrong. No, people pay to see good movies. And Marvel used to be hype when they made good movies.

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