[-] [email protected] 39 points 11 months ago

Where am I going? To make room for people trying to clear the intersection behind me. Failing to pull forward means they're either stuck on the far side for another cycle of the light or they're going to block the intersection. With really busy intersections leaving those big gaps can make a huge impact on traffic trying to get through the one behind you.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 11 months ago

The overlap between "cares enough about image quality to not be okay with jpeg" and "doesn't know to install a third party app" is probably too small for most manufacturers to care about.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

It's still like that?! That was one of the most irritating things back in 2015 - 18 when I had a Fiat 500e lease. I had to join several different charging networks, each with different options of free membership and paying per kWh, free that paid one rate and paid that was a different rate, paid by time, etc. I had to charge up some accounts while others were just pay as I go. Some I could tap my phone to start a session and others I needed to have a card or keychain tag with me.

Then I needed all their apps, plus a couple of independent ones to find the charging stations because the independent ones never showed everyone's stations or couldn't show the status. Even on those I'd have to check the comments about each station because it was so common for it to show as being available and working but every comment would say "doesn't work even though the app says it does".

I'd love to get another EV but it sure as hell won't be anything I take outside of single-charge distance from home until there are big damn changes to charging...

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

Having been a mod over there I can tell you none of the mods were getting paid shit by anyone and I can also tell you that not a single discussion was had pro or con about dealerships. Hell, a quick search will tell you that even if someone had been getting paid by some shadowy dealership cabal they'd have lost that pretty quickly considering how many anti-dealership posts you can find open right now. Posts got locked or removed because someone else had posted it shortly before or the comments were a total shitshow of hate speech, insults, and/or politics.

I can say for certain that the people that screamed the loudest about mods being paid by whatever group or of somehow power-tripping on their ability to delete an internet post were always the people who ignored the rules the most. Even this forum here has "Be cool / don't be an ass" as rule number 1. I can guarantee you that when it gets big enough that most of the "you're power-hungry / paid off" comments about the mods will be from people who got their hate speech or just plain douchebag comments deleted. Everyone wants the rules applied to people they don't agree with and exceptions made for everything they like. And no, not everything you personally agree with is "the true values of the community/consumers".

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The void isn't like a room we simply haven't entered, it's more like the equivalent to an empty space inside the walls of your home. It's there, but there are no passages leading to it. About 75-80% of the interior volume of the pyramids is solid stone as far as we know so it's much less like a modern building and more of a huge pile of stones that happens to have a few open spaces with passages leading to them.

Here's an article that includes an illustration showing just how solid they are as well as the recently discovered void and more info on how they found it using cosmic rays of all things: https://www.science.org/content/article/cosmic-rays-reveal-unknown-void-great-pyramid-giza

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Somebody dumped these two in a nearby park. My wife found them this morning while on a walk so of course we brought them home. They're both social, flea-free, and still had full bellies so it much have just happened. We've got a pretty full house already so if anyone happens to be in the socal area and is looking for a pair of happy little voids, let me know!

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

Love it!

Consciousness consists of bio-electricity of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an ennobling of the sensual. Nothing is impossible. To navigate the path is to become one with it.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 1 year ago

They recently laid off 90 employees out of 700 total. There's absolutely no way they're about to start paying the roughly 21,000 moderators that are active on a daily basis. The fact that they're actively vilifying moderators as spoiled children wanting everything for free (gotta love that irony) really slams the door on any possibility of treating them with respect, let alone actual compensation for actually running the damn place.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Do you know of any generators that create things that are in English, seem normal at first glance, but are actually nonsensical? Things like "has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

I'd like something plausible enough to be accepted by an AI model but that ends up making it sound like it's having a stroke.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

It was a combination of the absurd pricing for the third party apps and that the people most affected by this would be not only those with accessibility issues, but the mods who do damn near all the day-to-day operations of the site. Reddit relies on unpaid moderators to keep subs from turning into bot spamming grounds and the official app is more difficult to use for basic functions and doesn't support many of them at all.

So they were essentially giving the finger to their unpaid workforce and then claiming that the complainers were mad about no longer getting everything for free. It's a pretty hefty dose of hypocrisy.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The funniest part of the article is how he's slamming the actions of unpaid moderators while saying "they’re mad because they used to get something for free, and now it’s going to be not free".

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Having spent the last couple of decades in tech support I'd say you're being very generous with the estimate of ~20% of people being willing and able to read so they can understand something...

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

Besides being too cheap, it's honestly not even practical. There are about 21,000 active mods on any given day. Replacing even half of that number would increase their current staffing of ~700 by 15 fold which doesn't seem likely given they just laid off 90 of them. That doesn't even touch on the fact that those moderators would know nothing about the subs they're now supposed to be taking care of.

Nah, you're totally right, this is the beginning of the end. The blackout might not do anything short term but they're certainly going to shed enough mods that quality will slip. Once that happens people will be looking for alternatives and Reddit will end up on the scrap heap of "used to be great" like so many that came before.

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 year ago

Well Steve, it's not profitable for me to be a moderator for free either. Feel free to let me know how profitable you think you'll be after hiring enough staff to replace all the mods that'll be leaving.

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