joined 11 months ago

Hello everyone .

Im up against a very strange situation on my setup :
(HP ML350 G6 , with dual Xeon X5670 @ 2.93GHz & 48GB of ram )

runing Proxmox on 2 Samsung Evo 870 512GB ssds in a zfs array for reduduncy .

One VM is runing TrueNas core with my HBA ( A LSI card) PCI-passed through that manages my files
and gives out SMB , FTP & NFS endpoints that i use to accses my files from other (physical or virtual) macines on my network &
one other VM that is runing debian , that has NextCloud on top , i connected the FTP from trueNas to the nextcloud as extrenal storage and its working like a treat for over 1 year . (Personal uptime record 5.5 months)
(plus some other vms , pbxs etc)

I have my music on the trunas share , and i listen to it via nextcloud , but during the last month i had 2 VERY weird crashes .

the first time , NC hanged , then my other VMs one by one started going offline , ending with my proxmox crashing with no error to either its VGA out or to the logs , in fact while this situation was unfolding i want able to use my VGA terminal , the system was just not listening to any of my inputs . A hard reboot later and a Through check of SMART & other reports on both truenas & proxmox i has again up for quite a while , doing heavy file transfers , listening to music watching movies out of the server (all IO heavy tasks)

Fast forward to tonight, i was about to finish my nightly music sesion ... and the whole thing happened again! NextCloud , gone , Freenas crashing , proxmox inaccessible... but , this time i had a clue . right before freenas "went" , it sent to my logger

Device /dev/da0p2 is causing slow I/O on pool boot-pool.

And the whole setup crashed again , a reboot later , im up and imidetly checked for Drive status .

On the proxmox side on both SSDs SMART was passed and Wearout was on 14% and 15% on the 2 ssds , on the freenas side , all my Spinning Rust had its SMART passing . and with

glabel status

i couldt find da0p2 , but da0 -propably- is the virtual drive that proxmox created for truenas to boot from ..

Please Help me out with this one , its almost cursed & i have no clues to run of from to troubleshot


Since the "legacy" unifi controler docker container from linuxServer will be deprecated and the new " unifi network application " requires a external MongoDB to operate , i will need to remove my old container and install these plus a mongo db . But i fail to understand how to instal / populate the DB as pere their guide .
If someone has done it and is willing to share a guide or tips id be glad.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Install Debian on it and start playing with docker . For file shareing you could try OMV ...

If you can add a bit more RAM id suggest to give ProxMox a go ... but with just 8 u are gonna fill this up with just a single VM

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I had no issues registering with without any sort of Estonian ID and no longer pay a management fee.

you used the paypal method? how did this work?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

what about ? and they paypal singing thingy ?

ATTENTION: Application for .EE domain needs to be digitally signed. If you are unable to sign the application using ID-card, Mobile-ID or SMART-ID then you can authorize your order using PayPal Verified account. NB! Please make sure that your PayPal account name matches with the registrant's or it's administrative contact's name in the application.  

the " e-Residency program" that u/borouhin mentioned realy seems too complecated just to get a domain to "play around"


Hello everyone.

For reasons irrelevant to this post I Want to get a domain for my selfhosting server from esthonia as im a foreigner i stoubled uppon some issues /questions.
I'm reading that this is allowed, but I want tips for the proses or suggestions for regisars.

Also I want to clarify one pcs of information that I was shocked to see.

Estonia (as per my research) mandates that each and every domain under its tld is linked to its owner ID number, but I doubt it that my foreign ID will be accepted..
I found some registars that they are able to tie themselves as the management entity (thus I don't need to provide a ID) but this not only seems sketchy, but it comes with a 25-30€ /month! fee over the domain...

Thanks for anyone who takes the time to reply