
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

That would be a good solution if the card was massively ahead of the XTX. 4090 levels at least. And it would still be behind in RT likely.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

They could make a much larger die, if its really just 300 mm².

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

If RDNA4 becomes just a sidegrade anyone who has the 7900 series will not need to care. It is expected to be a 5700 XT state again. Good RT would be nice though, but I doubt AMD will run any RT game in 4K120 any time soon.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

9900K? I would consider if its cheap enough. If prices are worse than a used Zen 3 get Zen 3 instead. If 1080p or 1440p a 5800X3D is the only answer for a good budget. AM4 lets you keep your old RAM, sell the rest and get the 3D. Otherwise a 9900K can be good if its cheap enough, you will need to overclock it but on a Z board 5GHz+ should be no issue.

But don't pay 250+ € on a used outdated CPU or you're dumb. Thats almost the new price for the 3D and its superior in any way. The 9900K was and still is somewhat good, but it will have higher power draw, requires OC and lacks PCIe 4.0. So I would only get one if the price was really good.

And the 4060 Ti is a pretty bad deal, depending on your price I would return and get a 4070. Much better price/performance and 12 GB. You can keep using your CPU even if it bottlenecks a bit, a CPU bottleneck is always preferable to a real GPU bottleneck: GPU = always low FPS; CPU = occasional drops under high CPU load, min-FPS spikes.

The 3D will of course work wonders especially on min-FPS. I would watch Youtube comparisions like this one:

40 % from a 9900K, so for you it will be a bit more. But keep in mind, in 1080p or 1440p. According to this test it was just 16 % in 4K. For 4K you definitely don't need a top end CPU. And the 5800X3D delivers almost Zen 4 performance but on the affordable AM4 platform.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I would upgrade if the expense was reasonable. But theres only one game where I could need more performance and that is Darktide. Otherwise I wish FSR3 became a thing, but just as DLSS is still lacks a solution to update older games.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

GDDR7 should be 50 % faster but yes, its likely reaching similar bandwiths. Unfortunately its a trend now to reduce bus size. 256-bit GDDR7 is likely almost 1 TB/s.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

More performance is always good. RT is more like a bonus, I would like it, but I won't pay double to get it. I'm running 4K120.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (13 children)

No 256-bit? If they really don't care for highend I will likely have to buy a 4090 when Blackwell launches because it would be the only upgrade from my 7900 XTX. Buying Blackwell is unlikely an option because it will be horribly overpriced, especially if AMD starts to suck again. The XTX feels like AMD can finally have a hold in the highend again. It doesn't need to outperform, it needs to outperform NVIDIA where they don't: Pricing.