You might try flashing OpenWRT firmware if your router is supported. It allows changing DNS
joined 2 years ago
Your body uses electricity to send nerve signals...
A bit of duct tape would easily counter this move
8.75€ 100MB/s up and down - Ukraine
Literally 1994
For the people who are still alive! 🎶
And there's me who just too f*cking lazy to do anything...
Fear would at least justify not doing anything :(
It's clearly just sleeping
The problem with just reading headlines is that they're often (almost always) misleading or just plain false.
LMAO. They got rid of headphone jack to "save space" and then replaced it with bigger USB C connector
- I want to be able to charge my phone while using headphones
- My laptop doesn't have USB-C
Where I live privately owned utility companies provide much cheaper services than govt. Also govt is very bad at providing them consistently (if people outside of big city lose electricity for example, they have to go and block nearest highway, otherwise govt just ignores their complaints)
I guess monopoly might be beneficial for some period of time but ultimately it's bad, both in private and public sector.