While the largest super power in the world is threatening to take over our country Pierre has pivoted from talking about how many genders there are to Carney's shoes.
Link aggregators like Lemmy, Tiktok mostly and whatever new sources they mention. Here's a bunch of the ones I follow.
- https://www.tiktok.com/@rachel_gilmore
- https://www.tiktok.com/@cdnpoli101
- https://www.tiktok.com/@jawknee2.0
- https://www.tiktok.com/@knittyknits
- https://www.tiktok.com/@frankdomenic
Satire type content:
When fraud occurs on Shopify and you use them as a merchant your lose your time, inventory and shipping cost. While they still charge you the transaction fee on top of a fraud claim fee.
This is the company CEO that is defending Trump while criticizing Canada. The COO runs True North the media outlet that makes Postmedia look almost sane.
Speaking of the mouth pieces this is the craziest thing I've read in a while.
It's a whole long ass article of how Danielle Smith is one of the only people that truly inderstand Trump and her saving the country. I swore 10 years ago this wasn't even acceptable for tabloids and now Postmedia "Right-Center" bias.
It's funny that they're probably worse on quite a few things that Trump is hated for, but his approach is so bad it makes people side with China.
BioSteel was bought by a conspiracy theorist/Guru type last year that also owns Canadian Protein. For anyone that needs proof just lookup the owner and his social media.
PVL is probably a decent Canadian alternative.
On a day where Trump seems to have caused trillion dollars worth of damage Nico seemed to have one upped him. Bravo
The CCTS arbitration process work really well for telecommunications.
It would be nice to have the same for all these privatized businesses that provide essential services.
This is a lot of political posturing for something that goes away if Canada for entirely unrelated reasons invest say 1 Billion into DJT.
I feel like people is making Trump out to be something much more complex then a greasy dude that needs his cut.
Like many have said Pierre had 2 things he wasn't Trudeau and Carbon Taxes. Both were flimsy but enough for voters to latch onto.
Now Trudeau is gone and his response to a real and much bigger tax threat(Trump's 25%) is trying to get something going with "wokeism" it's pretty much down from here.
Even if we don't counter with Tariffs both countries will be worst off. Volatility of the situation alone means that most people don't want to commit to anything.
The next step in this is probably him carving exceptions for very select companies that'll either pay him off or just go straight in his pocket
I don't know much about abstract art so I cannot be ascertain what possible complex meaning the artist is trying to convey.
The piece just warms my heart in these turbulent times and that's good enough.