I was wondering how much these guys pay for this. We should sell bumper stickers, too. Conspiracy guys love stickers.
Idk looks good to me
I just say no and shut the door. I don't say it rudely but I also don't wait for a response. It's really not that hard?
Every time I lose my patience and yell at my children, which is way too often.
I'm prone to UTIs and my doctor is two hours away.
To any one else who may be considering doing this: please don't. Nobody with the power to actually do anything cares if you die. You can't help anyone when you're dead.
Personally it makes no difference. This wouldn't happen if you guys had sane gun laws like the rest of us.
I don't think anyone outside of the US is going to care at all about this distinction. I know I don't. Accidentally shooting someone because you're an idiot with a gun is just another reason why people shouldn't be allowed to own and carry guns.
I figured out how to bake bread with meal replacement shake mix. Now I have homemade, ultra-enriched white bread for my incredibly picky children.
Red fox is the prettiest wild animal for me.
The way they climb and headbutt everything is adorable. I love goats. They also have good hair for clothes. Mohair and cashmere is goat hair.
Edit: The fact that goats are incredible climbers has always been so funny to me. They definitely do not look like they can climb anything.
Wait, what? You guys are paying all that for insurance and it doesn't always include dental? Like the main reason I wanted to be on health insurance here in Canada was for dental and prescriptions. I've been on some of the crappiest insurance plans here and they all include dental.