[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

For sure, you definitely know your relationship better than I do. Keep an eyeball on how much the drama and loyalty tests, etc, pop up tho.

No shade, rooting for ye, all the best 🤙

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Fair point, well observed!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Absolutely wild lmao. I understand how it starts with opposite schedules but damn. My girl clocks in an hour earlier than me but also wakes up at least a couple before me for her morning ritual. I literally don't even hear her alarms at this point. You know I'm getting them cuddles.

Although hard to be encouraging getting them cuddles here -- your tolerance for intolerable behavior from your significant other is beyond what I'd endure. Obviously just seeing a small slice of the relationship, but yeah nah I don't play like that.

After a few relationships my tolerance for bullshit drama is mighty low. Love my chill gal who down to earth and behaves like a reasonable adult.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Hand doesn't look red tho

[-] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Juuust skip that fridge step. Take slices out the freezer when you wake up. Slices thaw by the time your morning ritual is done and you're ready for brekky. If toasting anyways, don't even really need to wait for thaw. No stale fridge taste you need to get used to.

This thread kills me, so many people eating stale-ass bread. :c

[-] [email protected] 62 points 4 days ago

Frozen bread or bust. No one's wants that cardboard you kept in the fridge.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 5 days ago

Fuuuuuuuck this scrotum of a scotus

[-] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago

It's all the best and worst they've ever felt, cause it's all they've known yet.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"A Minneapolis police officer, a suspected shooter and a civilian are dead after a shooting in the Whittier neighborhood on Thursday, the department said. Several others are injured.

Officer Jamal Mitchell died in the shooting, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said in an evening news conference."

'He was a hero, a son, a father, a fiancé, and an officer who was so deeply committed to protecting and serving,” Frey said. “Just a year ago Officer Jamal Mitchell was recognized for a heroic act in saving a number of people, an elderly couple, and that is just the kind of person that he was.'"


Now, I'm usually team ACAB but this event is a tragedy, so we're taking a day off. Jamal was one of the first to this scene, and while trying to offer medical support got ambushed and killed.

My brother was a few blocks away, but managed to be either far enough away or had good enough timing to not hear gunshots.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Shit is scary out there. Had a situation recently that definitely reinforced how spooky it is being a woman in public.

So I'm chilling with the crew at a bar, came out to catch a homie mixing originals. One of our friends is a cutie. She's with 3 of us fellas. We're in a booth, very obviously a group that came here together. One of the regulars kicks it with us for a bit, harmless banter, classic bar chat shit.

He ends up chilling for a while. We're cracking jokes & having fun, he says his dude owns the bar, etc. He gets a bit flirty (again, felt fully harmless at the time), goes to fetch us a round of brew. She only wanted a water by this stage in the night. When she finally gets around to taking a small sip all her internal alarm bells go off, thinks sum'm tastes off.

We manage to pick up the vibe and dip before anything extra sketch went down and had a lil debrief, made sure everyone was ok etc... One of my dudes had also taken a decent gulp first and seemingly got pretty woozy off it. Now, I can't for sure confirm whether it was truly laced or just shitty dirty bar hose water and a mild panic attack. Can't say whether homie was chemically woozy or placebo woozy (very well could've been tired from long day and lots of brew + dancing), but either way, enough to be a scary situation! We're like 95% sure shit was sketchy.

Absolutely worth trusting the gut when you get an off feeling. Better safe than sorry, all that. As a dude, I've NEVER needed to think twice about a gift beverage at a bar. I circle lots of music scenes and almost every single time I'm out I'll catch a random free drink, smoke, lol candy or whatever off a stranger randomly offering. I've definitely asked to confirm what these gifts are, but generally felt safe enough to take their answers at face value.

Ladies DEFINITELY can't be as cavalier about gifts from strangers though... That's how they end up the subject of these crime podcasts.

Idk, felt like a relevant story to share.

Stay safe, stay frosty, y'all ❤️ Good weekends all around!

[-] [email protected] 72 points 4 months ago

It's honestly so fucked...

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Basically title: been craving muffuletta something awful. Struggling to find a spot that can scratch the itch. If you know something, please say something.

Thanks in advance!

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey team, I'm going mental trying to relocate this one!

I have very little to go off of, but this tune has been digging through my skull and I NEED to scratch this itch!

I don't have much for distinguishing features to share, but the biggest thing that stands out is the sample. For a large portion of the tune, vocal is chopped up like "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-booyakusha!"

It'll get pitched up, it'll get pitched down, but just relentless booyakushas in my brain the last 48 hours!

Long shot, but I'll owe ya if you can cure what ails me. I seemed to be stumbling into it plenty until I need it!

Thanks in advance!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First off, game is great!

So I made a Dragonborn for Godzilla, and got a buddy to help build an Orc for King Kong. (I'll try to upload a proper shot of my dudes later). Went lightning breath attack (mostly for the blue color) but maybe should be radiant or necrotic to better emulate atomic breath.

Godzilla is a monk/draconic sorcerer for unarmed attacks and various elemental damage. King Kong is a monk/barbarian for unarmed and rage, extra jumpy. Although sometimes he leans into Donkey Kong and hurls barrels.

Early game I've needed Gale for enlarge person. Should respec another buddy for a second enlarge. Ideally it would be peak excellence if I could make them colossal more reliably and shrink enemies for maximum size difference. I've managed to brew like 2 elixers, but still find ingredients a bit too few to do that often. Also [MAYBE SPOILER??] juuust tucking into underdark at level 5.

Wondering if anyone else has inspired ideas on how these Kings of Monsters can live their best lives. I also love how this game makes such an absurd run remotely viable in the first place!

Please also share any silly meme builds you've been brewing!

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Basically title. Been DJ'n for a hot minute and wondering how people are adding to their collections. Mostly mix House, DnB, Dub, Hip-hop, Lofi, and plenty of genre-blurring niche experimental biz.

Some of the stuff I have was inherited from others, some of questionable quality. Lately I've been inspired to tidy up my collection with high quality stuff. Fundamental issue is if I paid a dollar for every song I want to spin, I would be financially ruined forever.

Do you use a service? Do you pirate? Do you find giveaways? How are you filling your catalogue with proper high-quality ammo?

[-] [email protected] 74 points 11 months ago

Now I just want an accurate infographic of "safe" combustible plastics.

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