I see, will look into that later thank you!
Nice to see they finally got a more original name for the app!
Ooh, yeah i don't like icing too, i always leave it on the plate when i eat a birthday cake
And I've heard bout these sugar cookies before, never seen one personally tho
oh, i know bout this meme format, just didn't understand how that relates to dogs going on walks, sorry
I don't think i got it...
Not sure, I'm not much of a cake specialist, but they do look similar don't they?
Its so sad basically all the songs/artists i like to hear aren't on funkwhale, I'd so use it if i had a good amount of things to listen there
hey! So, i ended up trying to download this again and it worked perfectly, it was exactly what i needed, i think it didn't work before cuz i had downloaded the wrong app, didn't saw that the name was "easyeffects" and downloaded this "pulseeffects-legacy" one, which didn't work probably cuz turned out i was using pipewire-pulse all along, so yeah, your suggestion was the one i needed soo, thank you!
What's y'all favorite type of cake?
Nah i just bought them, just made a bad choice and got a low quality product, two speakers that only play one channel in both haha
Yeah i want the sinks and helvum configurations to persist between reboots, this thread does look interesting, will try that later when i get on my pc
Makes sense...