[-] [email protected] 58 points 8 months ago

well now you’re just describing ansible

[-] [email protected] 71 points 8 months ago
[-] [email protected] 45 points 9 months ago

it’s somehow even more stupid imo… like… he blabbed about the fact that he had this information and the other guy would have been like “yeah… we know you know… you’re the fucking president”

[-] [email protected] 34 points 9 months ago

they probably wouldn’t even try and hide it: they’d literally just come out and say the electoral college helps keep the democrats out and they’d vote for it

[-] [email protected] 42 points 11 months ago

probably best not to call people retards if you want to stay on the high road

[-] [email protected] 34 points 11 months ago

i’m okay with either of either of these since it reinforces the stupidity and futility:

  • x, formerly twitter
  • the company formerly known as twitter
[-] [email protected] 41 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

so people have said that it’s to do with volatile (it forgets) and persistent/non-volatile (it remembers), but i think the crux of your question is a little more nuanced: WHY does the mechanism to “remember” a 1 or a 0 get damaged with SSDs and not for RAM

now, i’m not expert here but i think i have a basic understanding and i’ve pieced some bits od research together!

(edit: it should be noted that what ive described here as simply “RAM” is actually SRAM, but modern computers mostly use DRAM which is different: it uses a capacitor instead of a couple of transistors, but the fundamental idea is the same)

RAM is very simple: for the most part, it’s just a few transistors - they’re basically little switches that work just with electrical current… they can be arranged so that transistors connect to another transistor, so that they’re both telling each other to be “on” (this is SUPER simplified, but kinda think of the electricity being stuck in a loop: it just goes round and round between the transistors, and that’s “on” or 1)… transistors are very reliable! their chemistry doesn’t degrade over time (note though that because electricity doesn’t actually go around in an infinite loop, if the “loop” stops getting power to replenish it, it resets to 0, which is what makes it volatile!)

SSDs though store their 1s and 0s more in chemicals… think of your SSD like a bunch of little boxes with water in them, and you read the 1s and 0s based on how clear the water is… you add sand to make a 1, and you filter out the sand to reset it to a 0! the more often you do that though, the dirtier the water gets until you can’t tell if it’s just dirty water of if it has sand in it (actually you add electrons to the gates in an SSD which changes the cells resistance and you read based on that, but at some point the electrons just keep ”sticking” in the cell so the resistance doesn’t change as much as we’d like)

[-] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago

worth noting that afaik elon deserves the blame here: he actively pushed for the account to be reinstated

[-] [email protected] 36 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

still one of the biggest pieces though

[-] [email protected] 101 points 11 months ago

as someone who works in tech, the number of people who think they know about tech and are actually completely full of shit dramatically outweighs the people who don’t work in tech and do know what they’re talking about. it can take a lot of energy to differentiate the 2 groups

dunning krueger is at play a lot, because most people use a computer every day and think they know everything about the internet because they know what DNS stands for and typed a command to flush the DNS cache this one time and it worked

[-] [email protected] 43 points 1 year ago

let’s hope they’re interesting because it’s novel and the problems were there with other solutions just solved ages ago rather than the alternative: “so many unique situations” because there are a litany of “oops didn’t think of that” moments that will continue to crop up

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago

from what i understand, the big change in chat-gpt4 was that the model could “ask for help” from other tools: for maths, it knew it was a maths problem, transformed it to something a specialised calculation app could do, and then passed it off to that other code to do the actual calculation

same thing for a lot of its new features; it was asking specialised software to do the bits it wasn’t good at

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