
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I found a bridge tool that serves as a permanent fix/replacement for the paperclip. Unless you all believe there is some danger in taking this approach of an external power supply that is not in any way connected to the motherboard but just provides power to the GPU, I think I'm good. This community is amazing. I am stunned at how fast you guys responded and got me squared away. Reddit rocks.


I have a linux mint host that I want full administrative access to remotely. I will be the only person connecting to this server. Obviously ssh is a no-brainer and I have that already working. I've been wrestling to get a VNC solution working. I installed tigervncserver but when I try to connect to it using the viewer provided from the tigervnc website I get the message that the server is actively refusing the connection. So far logs have not been very revealing. I have verified that the port tigervncserver is listening on is allowed by the ufw firewall. Since this is a private server that is not out in the public I'm not really concerned about security as much. I just want a remote solution that will let me get to the gui without having to physically travel to the server. Is tigervncserver not the right solution? Or is there something obvious I am missing.


I have a Dell R730 and a GeForce RTX 3080 TI GPU. I deployed these as a server for AI LLM testing and development. Due to the power requirements of the 3080 TI as well as logistics of power connector on the R730 mobo I was not able to power it from the motherboard of the R730. I purchased a Corsair RM850X and ran two 8-pin PCIe cables from inside the R730 out to the Corsair, which is outside the server. Since the RM850X is not connected to any motherboard it would not provide power even after I connected two 8-pin PCIe power connectors to the 3080 TI. I used a paperclip to short two pins on the 24-pin motherboard connector and it powered up the Corsair PSU and, consequently, the 3080 TI powered up and is now working. For the first time the R730 sees the GPU and I was able to install drivers and have seen HUGE performance improvements in the AI interactions.

I have seen posts and been told that this is not a good long-term plan and that there is even a danger in doing this. Given the constraints that I don't have another server or PC I can use for this project nor do I have an option to get another GPU that has less power requirements at this point I need to make this work with the hardware I have. So my question is--what are my options? This is working. I left it running over night and there have not been any signs of overheating or any other problems. That said, I don't want to play the fool and either ruin the GPU, the server, or both. How can I provide power to this GPU for the long-term in a way that is both safe and provides adequate power to it?