I agree. We're all just processing this and should probably take a break and come back when there is more info and we can think critically. That said, this is very scary, like, I feel like my physical safety is at risk because of this. So, not knowing what others are going through, I'm going to have some compassion for any initial reactions. People are having these same discussions face to face right now but not everyone can do that and may need to.
I'd drop Steam if that happened. There are other ways to get games and managers like Lutris make organizing them easy. I'm sure Valve knows this and with how long they've been successful, fucking with gamers would not make sense. Look how it's working or for some of the bigger gaming companies recently.
Good. Fuck Butt Fart Texas. Books should not be censored for words. I remember a teacher in maybe 7th grade reading a book outloud with the word fuck in it, and he just said it and kept reading, he.knew the book well. I gained a lot of respect for that teacher and listened to him because I felt like he wasn't going to censor what he taught us.
The LAPD had been abusing black people forever. The OJ trial brought international attention to the situation of systemic racism in policing and the legal system. It wasn't that black people were glad he got away with murder. Read up on the trial. The lead detective talked with a reporter on tape years earlier, and talked about beating, killing, planting evidence, and other abuses against black men specifically.
I'll add, as a minority there are neighborhoods that are off limits because I know I would not be accepted, and, I have an "ethnic" name, so I assume some bias may be held towards people selling in neighborhoods like that.
Gotta keep the community pure.
I'm not a roofer, but I'd have the vents installed the correct way. Even if it was sealed well the whole setup looks sloppy and prone to leaks. Show the boss or forman of the roofing company the pictures of the work you dont like and see if they'll fix it. If not you could look up your local laws, the roofer may have to make this right. If they do then document the work and make sure it's good. Either way I'd fix it, you don't fuck with your roof.
It's far enough that recording clear video in darker settings would be harder since most zoom lenses suck in low light. Audio would be harder to pickup as well.
But they are police officers, that's the problem. And there are still others doing this and worse, and they're all protected.
It is sleeping outdoors. There is no mention of it only applying to long term encampments.
Except trump is a criminal rapist surrounded by the best security in the world, not a soldier fighting a battle on a hillside. Lets not glorify him.