[-] [email protected] 36 points 1 month ago

Zizek's take on 300 is so good, here's an excerpt:

it is the story a small and poor country (Greece) invaded by the army of a much larges state (Persia), at that point much more developed, and with a much more developed military technology - are the Persian elephants, giants and large fire arrows not the ancient version of high-tech arms? When the last surviving group of the Spartans and their king Leonidas are killed by the thousands of arrows, are they not in a way bombed to death by techno-soldiers operating sophisticated weapons from a safe distance, like today's US soldiers who push the rocket buttons from the warships safely away in the Persian Gulf? Furthermore, Xerxes's words when he attempts to convince Leonidas to accept the Persian domination, definitely do not sound as the words of a fanatic Muslim fundamentalist: he tries to seduce Leonidas into subjection by promising him peace and sensual pleasures if he rejoins the Persian global empire. All he asks from him is a formal gesture of kneeling down, of recognizing the Persian supremacy - if the Spartans do this, they will be given supreme authority over the entire Greece. Is this not the same as what President Reagan demanded from Nicaraguan Sandinista government? They should just say "Hey uncle!" to the US..

[-] [email protected] 31 points 2 months ago

It's not that the author picked Rust for scripting. All Rust game engines (e.g. Bevy) use Rust as the scripting language.

Compare this with Godot, which is implemented in C++, but supports GDScript and many other languages for scripting.

Also, only supporting Rust is not considered a limitation, but a feature here. Bevy's ECS is tied up with Rust's trait system, therefore it's impossible to use a different language.

So if Rust as a system programming language should not be used for game scripting, then projects like Bevy are fundamentally flawed. The author is willing to go there, but I don't know if many people would go that far.

There could be a Godot-like engine written in Rust that supports easier scripting languages, but I think that space is not explored due to the fact that Godot already exists.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 2 months ago

I'm not saying everything about China is evil, but 996 is an actual thing, actively resented by Chinese young people. I've got friends working such schedules. I'm presenting their views. I had also visited their offices and saw the folding beds.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 2 months ago

For those who don't know, it's not quite new (except for the word that describes it, Ban Wei 班味). Because of the long working time, a lot of Chinese companies (especially in the tech sector) allow very casual dressing, plushies, even folding beds in the office. Sounds good but is actually horrifying.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 3 months ago

What? That's literally a feature I got with a plugin. YouTube feels so much better without the algorithmic reinforced "hype" videos with no content and it's good for your mental health too.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 4 months ago

The original "agile" is a reaction to the overly rigid planning and emphasizes worker self-management. It makes sense since the people who are closest to the work (the workers) know best how to plan and implement the work.

It immediately breaks down when a specialized management tier emerges and tries to push their own agenda, i.e. to sell themselves rather than do something meaningful.

At this point, whichever form is used doesn't matter. The management, endowed with the power from above, will exploit the weakness of any agile-shmagile methodology to push their own agenda.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 5 months ago

I'm gett the ing UDP same vib joke

[-] [email protected] 32 points 5 months ago

Now all of China care about your privacy.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 7 months ago

It's the collaboration edition with the cartoon character タイツくん (Mr. Tights), and there are many more goods like this on their website.

Specifically on this package. At the top there are タイツくん (Mr. Tights) and 大人のドリトス (Doritos for adults, which I should note doesn't mean it's adult-restricted, they just put that to many food and drink to mean those can be enjoyed by adults).

In the main image, we have 電気アンマ復活, revival by an electronic massager, which is a mischief game played by one person holding the other person's legs, stepping on their genitals, and turning around the feet, mimicking an electronic massager, as is shown by the characters.

In the bottom left, it says ブラックペッパーとソルト味, black pepper and salt flavor. In the bracket, 竹炭入り, added bamboo charcoal, which is also quite common in Japanese snacks, because people think it's healthy.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 9 months ago

I have to print f to show respect.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 9 months ago
do { explain } while ( !they.understand )
[-] [email protected] 32 points 10 months ago

The real problem is, how many politicians and capitalists are we willing to sacrifice before we get this 4-day mandate.

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