The history of LibreOffice (www.libreoffice.org)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

aka. dont use OpenOffice

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Mein neuer Account kann hier nichts posten, warum?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On Windows, KDE Plasma, and likely many other Desktops, if a window is ~~fullscreen~~ maximized and you push the mouse to the top edge and click, it will close.

Chrome-ium actually fixed that in their builtin buttons to work the same.

Not on GNOME because there is a panel at the top, lol.

But also not when using GTK apps on these desktops, where it should work. Instead you need a lot of precision, for no reason.

An easy fix would be to expand the actual clickbox further, not only around the (oversized) close button circle, but to the edge of the ~~screen~~ window.

This would make Thunderbird, Firefox, etc. closable likel any other normal app. ;D

If you support this, leave a like on the issue. And lets hope this doesnt get closed because of whatever...


This is about maximized, not fullscreen windows. But also about those.

And the request is to expand the clickbox to the corner of the window, not of the screen.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A friend of mine has 2 Windows Laptops, where in the process of moving from an old 2TB storage laptop to a newer 256GB storage laptop, moving files manually (somehow, dont ask me).

They noticed they accidentally removed a 35GB folder full of media files from a very big vacation, including nature photography and some strange GoPro format files. Valuable stuff.

So we took the newer laptop as its fresh, very small storage and not much done after deleting the files.

We used a 2TB backup drive which works well.

Used CloneZilla, exited to shell, mounted the drive with udisksctl and used testdisk and photorec, but with strange results.

  1. Testdisk created a "whole" recovery in .dd format
  2. Then noticed the "undelete" function in testdisk and manually undeleted all files we found
  3. Then used photorec on that .dd recovery

The testdisk undelete files are mostly corrupted, images with missing header files etc. Same as the result of some magic sauce proprietary recovery program.

The photorec results where really strange, everything was intact but only system stuff, cache, icons etc, not a single of the deleted media.

The media are 3000 or more, so this makes no sense, we used the "full" backup from testdisk.

The laptop is off and we have some time, we can also use the older, messier one if needed.


  • any way to repair these corrupted images and media?
  • how to work with this data in photorec? How to export just the deleted files?

I think we should try to use photorec directly with the drive and not the .dd image, which may help.

We used dd and cloned the entire small, new disk to an .iso on the backup drive so we can work with it easier. Does this include all the stuff, also the deleted things?

We will also try scalpel.



We did a lot with the small disk which should basically be in perfect condition to undelete stuff.

  • dd and ddrescue backup into an .iso and .raw image
  • testdisk backup into a .dd image
  • photorec found only usable pictures from the OS, not a single of the wanted ones
  • testdisk and Recuva had the exact same results, all of the wanted files but all broken, missing headers and metadata
  • using scalpel currently

I would be happy about experience on how to restore such header files, information what they are and if you can use files for multiple media or guess them. We know the filetypes that we search for.

Also, are there any modern recovery tools out there, that promise better reliability?


submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/localllama

Afaik most LLMs run purely on the GPU, dont they?

So if I have an Nvidia Titan X with 12GB of RAM, could I plug this into my laptop and offload the load?

I am using Fedora, so getting the NVIDIA drivers would be... fun and already probably a dealbreaker (wouldnt want to run proprietary drivers on my daily system).

I know that using ExpressPort adapters people where able to use GPUs externally, and this is possible with thunderbolt too, isnt it?

The question is, how well does this work?

Or would using a small SOC to host a webserver for the interface and do all the computing on the GPU make more sense?

I am curious about the difficulties here, ARM SOC and proprietary drivers? Laptop over USB-c (maybe not thunderbolt?) and a GPU just for the AI tasks...

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Wird langsam Zeit, würde sich wahrscheinlich so ergeben.

Ist kein Konsum von daher Kinder egal, ist aber halt kein unreguliertes Gepäckstück weil es dazu Gesetze gibt.

Hat wer ne Ahnung?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Russian delete (feddit.de)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
that damn foot (feddit.de)
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If the link preview above displays an ad, ignore it.


[-] [email protected] 95 points 3 months ago

I think if you start with political positions of bigtech companies...

Just buy used

[-] [email protected] 130 points 4 months ago

Gewalttätige Demos für Eigeninteressen werden tolieriert, Klimaprotest weggeprügelt.

Übrigens, Bauern werden unter der Klimakrise extrem leiden, wenn sie keine Ernten mehr bekommen.

[-] [email protected] 114 points 4 months ago

Because Apple

[-] [email protected] 76 points 5 months ago

Please dont use DDG browser or even worse edge or opera.

Use Librewolf, Firefox or Ungoogled Chromium.

[-] [email protected] 167 points 5 months ago

"Bugfixes and performance improvements"

[-] [email protected] 148 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)


Dont install FOSS apps from the Playstore. Use F-Droid (F-Droid Basic if you are on an updated OS)


[-] [email protected] 105 points 7 months ago

Of course it does. Firefoxes new ClearURL copy feature is great

[-] [email protected] 64 points 7 months ago

Plasma is not a system, but I see how they didnt want to confuse people here

[-] [email protected] 93 points 8 months ago

The hymen is not normally ripping at the "first time", but these myths come from brutal men that have no compassion and dont know how to make both people horny.

[-] [email protected] 61 points 8 months ago

Omg fuck discord so much

[-] [email protected] 61 points 8 months ago

Being able to install OpenWRT on a router without needing to explain "why Netflix is not working"

[-] [email protected] 98 points 11 months ago

Dudes remove that spyware from your Networks omg

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