[-] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

A bit late, but 100% yes. It's the Beckoning Ruler with the frog mask :P

[-] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

Sooo to recap:

  • they announced the next collaborative season Sky x Moomin
  • teased two new seasons centered around Sky: The Two Embers
  • teased a myriad of quality-of-life updates coming as soon as v. 0.26.5
    • co-op home (nest?) editing
    • send DMs to your offline friends
    • skip all cutscenes option
    • more diverse candle runs
    • more reasons to revisit old realms (tied to the above?)
    • more options to remove friends from constellation
    • better friend organization in constellations
    • auto-translate
  • complete revamp of the daily quests system

Gotta admit, Sky players are eating good...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I've never looked at it that way, imagine playing a game set in a magical world and paying for the chance to go back to a grey and depressing mundane office -_-

But on another note, now that I think about it, the cape has some stuff that for some might make it worth paying for:

  1. For amateur in-game photographers, it has a unique utility, since the office gives you access to a blue, green and blank white room in which you can take pictures that are easier to edit later.
  2. For Sky-fans, the office is covered in posters that give insight into the history and meaning of the realms in Sky.
  3. And for those that want their own Space Oddity: "On certain days, the inside of the Office will be dark, and players will see that the television screen in the meeting room is brightly lit and flashing. Players can journey through the screen to another area – the Space Station, or ISS."^[https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Secret_Area]

Again beware, if I could go back in time I would not pay for the cape. But I guess here it is, my free, completely unpaid pitch for the office cape if someone wants to throw money at TGC for some in-game pixels💀

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Personally, I paid for the cape a few years ago because:

  1. I wanted to support TGC (yeah I know...)
  2. I was a moth and wanted to be able to access a special place like many other veteran players did with their capes, but didn't want to wait for the yearly special collaboration event

Looking back, I'd 100% tell myself to not do it, but I guess this way I've learned a valuable lesson :P

[-] [email protected] 13 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I've not gotten into self-hosting yet, but as someone who has gotten a Filesharing-Abmahnung amounting to roughly 1700€ I can tell you what I would do. All of this is of course purely theoretical.

Regarding torrenting and piracy, it is my understanding that German law (same with most other countries) has yet to find a decisive answer. But, to keep yourself safe, so far the consensus is as follows:

  1. Don't use torrents.
  2. If you use torrents, never upload. ('Tis a trap, see below)
  3. If you use torrents, use a VPN.

Now let's put this into practice, with examples for each use case. Our goal here is to never break existing German law. The further you go away from option one, the higher the risk of breaking the law.

  1. Don't use torrents. If you never interact with anything regarding torrents, you cannot be sued for torrenting, and that's really the only issue in Germany. As far as I'm aware, you're not liable if you simply download or stream something from a website freely accessible on the internet. Examples are streaming sites like Aniwave or download (DDL) sites like DDLbase.net. Hell, you could click on one of them and watch something right now. No one cares. To make this a bit more organized one could even use Cloudstream, which is an app that can aggregate "streaming websites" through external add-ons and it gives you a beautiful UI for it. Available for Linux, Windows and Android.

  2. "If you need or want to use torrents, never upload." is what I thought, because it sounds reasonable, right? If you look around on the internet (and in my personal use case) the courts and attorneys that send out these Abmahnungen always seem to take issue with you sharing and uploading files. And mostly music, not movies or TV series. By uploading you're sharing files that do not belong to you. So, if you deactivate uploads on your torrent client, you're done, right? If you don't share, you aren't technically breaking the law, right? Wrong. And for two reasons: (1) The process of downloading something always includes uploading some information about the download. So while you might be able to stop uploading files, you can't stop the upload of other information needed for the correct download of the files. Which leads us to the second reason: (2) These attorneys don’t care what information you’ve uploaded, how much you've uploaded, what parts you’ve uploaded or how long, they just care that they caught you participating - in any way, shape or form - to their tracked torrent. You participated, you necessarily both downloaded and uploaded something, you broke the law. If you want to make sure you don't upload nor download anything, use a Debrid service like RealDebrid which downloads it for you. Of course you're only using it to torrent Linux ISOs for you, so you're not really breaking the law anyway.

  3. Now correctly: If you use torrents, use a VPN. You either relegate it to someone else (a Debrid service or a seedbox like Ultra.cc) or you do it yourself by using a VPN. You're not breaking the law by connecting to a VPN or a seedbox.

Now, to the point that you're probably most concerned about. "What if one day sharing Linux ISOs becomes illegal, what if the program or kill-switch fails, what if the VPN actually does sell my data, what if the police use brute-force and physically take the datacenters, what if X or Y protection fails?" Enter layered protection. For example:

  • ~~Use a VPN, but also never upload. This way, even if your program accidentally uploads a file, it doesn't matter because your VPN is there.~~ Use a VPN, but also use a Debrid service like RealDebrid that downloads the torrents on your behalf. This way, even if your Debrid service sells your IP, it doesn't matter because your VPN masked it. It is highly unlikely that both fail, and even if there's still a risk, you're statistically in a much better situation than you were before. You're basically doubling your chances of success.
  • Use streaming and DDL-websites, but use a VPN too. Let's say your VPN does sell your data and everyone finds out that you, you, did a thing. It doesn't matter, because you were just browsing streaming websites, and no one cares about those.

P.s. This approach doesn't replace using good tools to keep you safe. Similarly, it doesn't matter if you have 5 locks on your front door if they're all made out of chocolate. Use a good VPN, use a good torrent client, use good trackers, etc. And lastly:

Don't stress too much.

A friend of mine uses NordVPN, has a kill-switch on the VPN and uses Stremio with a Debrid service to make sure he never uploads nor downloads any torrents on his server, and paid for it with a Paysafecard that isn't digitally tied to him. Is this perfect? No. He is the farthest away from option number 1 and is exposing himself to risks. He can theoretically be identified if you look up the security footage of where he bought the Paysafecard. NordVPN has not been proven to be as secure as Mullvad, has no diskless servers and the clients aren't open-source. He paid the VPN with his credit card. The single kill-switch can fail. He is still dabbling with torrents by using a Debrid service. He is using public trackers. But remember: The FBI or in your case the Bundesnachrichtendienst will not invade Panama to shut down your VPN, then threaten the developer of your favourite streaming client to install a backdoor to see that it's really you that is pirating this show right now, and then come knocking on your door because you pirated KissXSis or the latest season of Game of Thrones. You're simply dealing with copyright trolls and to quote someone else in this comment section: "Trolls will look for the best return on their trolling". As long as you take just two good precautions, you will be safe from most adversaries. And that's really all you can and want to achieve.

Edit: corrected the "upload" parts. Thanks @[email protected]!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

It's because you will not take care of it immediately......

but instead mid-journey. Midjourney! Ahahahahah, get it???!!!!!! (I'm lonely pls send help)

[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 months ago

This is freaking beautiful, gives me big Harry Potter vibes!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I have a 256GB SD card (with the black & red SD2Vita adapter) and it's been nothing but a joy to use.

I'd say that the possible failure points are:

  • A bad tutorial: I've followed this one from vitahacks, it was and probably is still the most straightforward tutorial to get it working.

  • Using StorageMgr instead of YAMT(& viceversa): I've seen some people report that their SD2Vita didn't work well in conjunction with StorageMgr. Then again, I've seen people report that they had issues on YAMT and fixed it by switching to StorageMgr. I switched to YAMT and everything's fine, but didn't have any problems with StorageMgr either. I'd still try to switch to the opposite kernel plugin if I were you.

  • Too many GB: While there are some people with 512 and 1TB SD cards, I've seen the most success with 128GB and 256GB SD card sizes. I have around 150 games and have roughly 80GB left, so think about if you reeeeeeally need the higher capacities.

  • A knockoff SD card: What someone else has already commented, abysmal read speeds could theoretically maybe perhaps have an impact on your gaming experience. Make sure you have one from known brand names like ADATA, SanDisk, Samsung, Kingston, etc., and if possible not from Aliexpress, just this once ;). You don't need to splurge on U3 SD cards with 200MB/s transfer speeds, a normal U1 100MB/s will be more than enough.

Personally I'd recommend just going the good ol' troubleshooting route. Install on your internal memory a game that normally stutters on your SD2VITA adapter (possibly the most lightweight), see if it still stutters, go from there. If it doesn't stutter, nice, focus only on the points mentioned above. If it still stutters, nice, you can rule out the points above as the culprit. Install PSVshell and monitor your CPU and GPU (or even overclock if you're just looking for a quick fix) to spot any weird behavior.

Edit: Added advice.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Have no fear, Lemmy is here!.....gotta work on that. Anyways, hope I'm not too late, but I had your exact same issues and got 'em fixed in 2 minutes. Here it goes:  

  1. The VPN thing has something to do with some weird shenanigans on Android. At least for me, whenever I connect to a VPN and turn the Android setting "Block connections without VPN" to on, any local connection won't work, even though you're not really connecting to the internet per se but just to your local hotspot or network, it just won't accept anything that isn't reporting back to your VPN provider first. And this includes any FTP connections, since as far as my understanding goes it has to be some sort of a local connection as it only works when you're connected to the same network or hotspot. So, if you want to use FTP or really connect locally to anything while not having to turn off your VPN, just switch the above setting in your Android to off and it should work.

  2. Setting up an FTP connection: I downloaded Amaze and tried connecting my Android with my PS Vita, but it doesn't matter what I tried it just wouldn't connect or show any files and folders. I'd recommend simply switching file manager. I used MiXplorer, then tried the same thing that I did on Amaze and it worked. Simply click on the "+" symbol on the taskbar below, then "Storage", then "FTP(S,ES)". Under URI address, input the IP of your VitaShell FTP server without the colon and the port. Under display name, put FTP PS Vita or whatever name you like. Lastly, under "port=", simply add the port number (e.g. 1337). Leave everything else as is, then press save, and it should work. MiXplorer isn't open-source like Amaze, but it's completely free, developed by trusted developers in the XDA-community, and is insanely powerful.

  3. Setting up an FTP connection with a hotspot (and without an internet connection): Same thing as above, the IP will probably be different than when you're connecting to your WiFi router at home since VitaShell will give you a different IP for every network. So don't use the same FTP MiXplorer profile for your home WiFi and your hotspot, or you won't be able to see any files on your PS Vita. Just press on the "+" in MiXplorer, name it "PS Vita FTP Hotspot" or whatever you like, change the IP to the one that VitaShell gives you and you're good to go :)  

Hope this helps!

Edit: typo.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Not all heroes wear capes....this fixed it, thanks! Man, how I've missed LibreTube.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Holy sh** this to me looks practically identical to Windows 10 (at least to a noob like me), had to double check it was in fact Linux🤣 Good job!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You're right, it IS a bit slow! I tried it again with another community I'm interested in and after it said "no results" I kind of assumed it was done searching, but after 5 or so seconds the community eventually popped up. This happened while trying on lemm.ee through a browser, not through the app I was using.

I've read the "!" tip many times, but it just doesn't work when using the Android app "Liftoff" or the webapp "Voyager" (yet). But in those apps one can set a search filter for communities when searching for something.

What did work was pressing on the hyperlink you generated when you typed the community with an "!" in front of it, so I guess that's another way to reach a community. Anyways, thanks for all your help!

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone :) First ever post in the metav-....I mean fediverse!! (damn you, Zucc's PR department)

Jokes aside, this is so exciting and I can't wait to see what lemmy will look like in a year or two. I like to believe that I'll be still here and the explicit long-term commitment of this instance is very motivating!

Now to the problem in the title: I hope I don't make a fool out of myself but I haven't read anyone mentioning this while looking through the latest posts in this community. While searching for communities to subscribe to, I noticed that some don't appear in the search results when searching from the lemm.ee instance. Specifically I was trying to subscribe to the [email protected] community or the [email protected] community.

Am I alone? Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss something? Every help is appreciated.

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joined 11 months ago