I tried the mouse thing with a wireless mouse. Do I need a wired mouse for it to work? I can't seem to get that to work at all. This is all so frustrating
Off topic but has anybody experienced a pixel touch screen just flat out stop working? I have a 6a and the screen displays just fine. It just doesn't register touch. I can't even log in to my phone..it's useless. I had to reactivate my old pixel 3 just to have a phone until I figure out what to do.
CNN. Don't waste your time
Game console manufacturing companies used to use people for modding a console that the person owned fair and square. And they won.
Did you do any research at all into this? The FBI supplied everything. This is textbook entrapment. I'm not a terrorist sympathizer of any stretch of the imagination. However, there are better ways to find terrorists than to bait them. If the FBI has to bait people into doing things then it makes me question the usefulness of such an agency.
Vote to stop wars. Stop the killing in Ukraine and the middle east.
Glad you're okay with the FBI setting people up.
Your problem is your making this about what you think and not the root issue at hand here is. They aren't getting into trouble because the FBI baited them.
You think a few knuckle heads waving that stupid fucking flag means the Nazis are back??! 😂 😂
You also believe in the Boogeyman? You have momma check under your bed at night?
Would still be nice to hide that information
crony capitalism