Big city problems. This is why I love living in the sticks
You have a good point. You generally don't get the other side of the story. Mainly just op-eds that yeah one side. Would love to have actual journalism back.
Arstechnica seems to be the last bastion of actual journalism even though sometimes I feel even they succumb to the click bait shit.
I used to read ghacks daily. It's like the drudge report of tech news. Maybe even blues news.
The Internet Archive operates under the principle of fair use, which allows the use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. They also adhere to legal guidelines and protocols to avoid infringing on copyright laws. Additionally, they often rely on user-contributed content, public domain materials, and works with expired copyrights to build their digital library, which helps mitigate copyright issues. However, they do occasionally face legal challenges or takedown requests, and they respond to those according to the law.
The fuck sticks at Nintendo would love to take everything Nintendo related down for "copyright" if they could on the Internet archive.
Cool I'll have to try this out
DEI departments didn't exist back then. The creative spirit was allowed to flow.
Try again. Take your bullshit hot takes the fuck out of here. It's tired and old. Nobody is buying it anymore.
You've never been to the South
Nice thank you
I'm not sure when you live but I've only ever seen that crap in big cities