Years ago a friend gently nudged me away from the usual get-together ice breaker of "what do you do for a living" because it's inherently biased to the well paid professional. He suggested I change to the more open "how do you occupy your time" . The answers are far more interesting and I never need to make stay at home spouses, underemployed or unemployed people feel uncomfortable.. this post reminded me of that (we are not our corporately bestowed titles)
Depends on the part of America. At least in MN, most people are generally center. The "loud" ones are the extremists/on polar sides
Inspiring posts here. I toss a minor fix here and there. Amazing to see what yall are up to.
Openshift has electrolytes
Time? Free time?
Clojure : if lisp had an illegitimate baby with java. Add to it the pain of setting up fireplace in vim or having to use emacs. At a former employer we had one area in closure. I could read it without much difficulty but damn if it didn't take me weeks to write or update it
I love perl. 20y on I still think in perl.
Isn't this the part in idiocracy where brawndo just buys the ftc/fda?
When AOL first enabled UseNet (newsgroups) they had a bug that posted multiple times. Additionally, AOL users weren't versed in internet etiquette so they would shout (all caps). AOL users were soon seen as the universal noobs . This more and more turned AOL into "old people" internet... like how you probably think of Facebook today.
Yes . But where is it?
The word 'tips' originally came from an acronym "To Insure Proper Service".