Think of it however you want, someone else here stated that freezing it is just means that all that aid goes into Trump’s pockets instead which is certainly a good argument for unfreezing this aid and sending it into Ukraine anyways even if it won’t achieve much in the end.
Personally I think it is smarter if Europe keeps their stockpiles in country and prepare for a future war with Russia and the American aid gets sent to NATO allies instead.
Yes, I am quite aware. US cut off intelligence to Ukraine and are planning to end sanctions with Russia which is as if the Americans stop cooperation with the Soviets completely during WW2 and gave lend-lease to the Nazis instead.
I personally see Russian conflict with Ukraine to be more grey vs grey considering I have footage of Ukrainian troops mowing down pro-Russian protesters in post-Maidan Mariupol (not as bad as Russia’s Bucha atrocity I admit) but to each their own.