I originally found it on Al Jazeera’s live coverage, which is difficult to link to. I only later found a second source, which I used. I never came across Haaretz’s coverage. I probably would have still chosen Times of Israel because “Israeli evil” coverage is less common from them than from Haaretz; I would imagine more Zionists read Times of Israel than Haaretz or they’d already care about Palestinian lives.
Brauchst du mehr Lebensraum?
Edit: sorry, I misunderstood your post. You’re not calling Al Jazeera lying press, you’re noticing the similarities between Nazi propaganda and Israeli propaganda.
Another source, with some quotes from Zionist Americans:
Al Jazeera’s live coverage a few minutes ago posted an update saying:
The closure order was signed after a legal opinion and intelligence assessment “determined that the offices were being used to incite terror, to support terrorist activities and that the channel’s broadcasts endanger the security and public order in both the area and the State of Israel as a whole,” a military statement said.
In some sense it is true that the broadcasts endanger the state of Israel: in the sense that accurately showing the atrocities Israel commits weakens global support for European and American colonization of the Middle East.
That headline is biased. It makes it sound like Israel is conducting a legitimate investigation that will have legitimate consequences. But the actual news is that Israeli soldiers are throwing bodies of their victims off roofs.
Additional source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8rd5z17px4o
Additional source on Israeli claims about their 2022 murder of Shireen Abu Aqla: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-62793579
Sure, the slow genocide will be slower of course. It’s hardly worth bothering to google something that obvious. Still genocide though. Israelis are using violence to kill and/or displace Palestinian residents of the West Bank. They’ll take it all, eventually.
I’m sorry, it’s hard to tell if someone is sincere or Just Asking Questions. In this case, the options are a slow genocide (West Bank) or a fast genocide (Gaza), so the short term numbers alone paint a misleading picture of the relative merits of each strategy. Israel’s gonna remove the brown people either way.
Is your suggestion to let the Israelis take your land more slowly, so they don’t kill as many of your children?
By the way, 60,000 of them are Americans.
Per the IHRA definition of antisemitism, observing similarities between the actions of Israel and the Nazis is antisemitic:
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
This is the preposterous interpretation adopted by the United States, other countries, and many institutions. The extremist Zionists who continue illegally expanding their land grab in the West Bank during their genocide in Gaza have successfully made legitimate political discourse “antisemitic”.
Not that your claim was hard to believe, but because I like being well-sourced, I looked it up and you’re correct:
source of except
Seems like international media should find a better label for them.