
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It seems weirder when you say "A harmful poison that causes a slurred state and hallucinations when drunken is more socially acceptable to drink than milk", does it? Because you can make anything sound however you want people to feel by just twisting the words around.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Did...did they censor trash?

Oh, god, that just makes everything worse!

"PSA: Do you know how difficult it is being a #&$8man? He picks up your $&@( for you. Be respectful to your local #(#-men."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I tried. I have very peculiar needs, I'm not joking when I say I use shitty old programs from before the millennium AT LEAST EVERY WEEK. Very specific niches that I have found no solutions for on Linux.

Essentially, I need Windows for it's main selling point. Insane compatibility on software from every field. And until Linux can actually RIVAL windows instead of presenting Fisher price alternatives, I'm forced to stay with the shackles of blasphemy.

I've tried it in the past. The actual UI and the general process of doing things was the least of my issues. I'm not loyal to Windows or anything at all, I can easily get used to that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Oh god, this meme. It's not something I've ever seen before, but it's so true.

God, Tor, freaking Tor. Bless it's heart, really, but it's practically unusable. At least for me. I was really getting into it, trying to use it as a daily browser, ran with so much less ram than all the others. But it's practically unusable! All the shitty websites I had to go on daily for School practically didn't work, and half the websites would always take at least 10-15 minutes to get working because they keep thinking I'm a hacker. Or it's just region blocked, and I have to spend SO MUCH TIME making new connections in the hopes it doesn't go to a single blacklisted country. Sometimes even with a phone there to authenticate, it just doesn't work. So I had Firefox anyway, it was literally what Tor was built off of. And because of how unbelievably inconvenient and annoying Tor (Or more accurately, how shitty the Internet in general has got, I really wouldn't mind logging in to every website every time, with a phone authentication every so often) was, I ended up just using Firefox and using Tor for dark web stuff. Essentially, what it's supposed to be used for., Linux was always one of those things I wanted to get into, but thinking critically, it would be very dumb for me to do. Almost every single thing I do is required by a Windows app. Critical and niche shit, mind you. So essentially, it'd be the Tor situation all over again. I'd be doing effectively everything worthless on Linux while molesting my computer for a VM for windows, which I would be doing on a daily basis for practically as long as I use the computer. So I'm practically stuck being a normie. I try to do everything I can to stop all these companies and shit tracking me and have my machine running faster, like running scripts to debloat windows, but in the end, it doesn't amount to too much. I'm stuck a normie, no matter how much of a poser I act.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago (7 children)

What many people are saying is correct, but it's only half the story. Since, well, ever, people have made fun of Ohio because it's boring and had absolutely nothing to do in it. There was this popular meme where the destinations to see in Ohio was meeting Scott the Woz, a YouTuber who makes a show of the same name, and immediately leaving.

Eventually, there was that trope of "Only in Detroit" memes of absurd things getting stolen. Eventually, the format branched off into other states with things they're known for, including ironic memes of Ohio having nothing to do, and being absurdly boring. Eventually, someone subverted the Ohio joke and had a video of something...very strange, and unnatural happening in Ohio, with the phrase "Only in Ohio". People loved the subversion so much, everyone joined in, and now the original point has been lost, now, to meme culture, Ohio is now a place where aliens invade monsters ravage the street, and dogs have three legs.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Fucking this. It is shocking to me that in places in the U.S., you just need some kind of ID and address and you can buy a gun. How the hell is there no training or licences for guns?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

That's absolutely true. Someone else pointed out removing schools also solves the problem of school shootings. However, I knew when saying that that's not solving the underlying problem. It's just that it is very difficult to solve a problem as widespread and vague as "mental health". However, the thing is, while trying to fix that, we may as well save a few people's lives and get a quick fix that'll make it easier to deal with.

Because that's the thing. The difference with "Remove the shootings" and "Remove the schools" to stop school shootings is that schools are essential. We can't take that away. However, guns aren't. At least in my opinion, it shouldn't, and ergo, we can take them away and control them at the very least temporarily to solve the main issue at hand: people's decaying mental state.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Hhaha. Hey, it does solve the problem!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (5 children)

That might be true. Counterpoint, if you take away the guns, no more school shootings.

Do people really need guns all that much?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Ineffective, I'm on the toilet.

I retaliate with Lv. 4 "STEAL KIDNEY"

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