The trick is, I didn’t write it myself :) considering that though, it should definitely look better than it does lmao
I used to post on Reddit, but it’s mostly (or all, I can’t remember how thorough I was) been deleted now. More to come here though!
Can’t wait to see more 😍
Thank you 🥰 deleted all my Reddit content, gonna reupload here bit by bit (as well as make new content)
Yep. Believe it or not, there was a time when Quora was pretty decent. This is what happens when you try to boost engagement by offering cash incentives. It becomes quantity over quality.
Same thing happened with Quora, iirc. They started offering incentive for people to post a lot of questions, so now the app is flooded by complete junk.
My exact age is almost never relevant in my day-to-day life, I pretty much only get reminded of it on my actual birthday and don’t think much about it for the rest of the year. So if somebody asks for my age, usually I’ll be off by a year or two and my wife will need to correct me, because for some reason she remembers.
Me every time I play nethack :(