Personally I'd be in favor of making it an age maximum. Let's have a Logan's Run rule for government.
And I say this with complete seriousness, and as someone who is already ineligible under the rule I propose.
Personally I'd be in favor of making it an age maximum. Let's have a Logan's Run rule for government.
And I say this with complete seriousness, and as someone who is already ineligible under the rule I propose.
Prosecutorial discretion is a big problem really. It's what allows laws to be applied unequally, why black people are prosecuted way more than white people, and, as you mention, provides justification to jail anyone at any time because you ARE violating some law every day, almost certainly.
If prosecutorial discretion did not exist, if agents of the law were required to prosecute all crimes to the fullest extent of the law, it would require the entire legal system to be restructured in a more precise way, and would have far less room for racial, sexual, and class discrimination as well as far less capacity to be weaponized against enemies of those in power.
And yet, instead of answering a simple question, you've launched into a 'if only we could change the past' screed.
If there was a good answer to the question, people like you would just answer.
Many of those economic issues are a source for other problems. Resolving them may not solve the other problems, but those other problems also can't be solved without dealing with one of the major causes first.
It's like having a house with a giant crack in the wall, and some people want to fix the foundation while some want to fix the crack. Fixing the foundation isn't going to fix the crack, but if you fix the crack without fixing the foundation, it's just going to break open again.
Democrats are like 'Good Cops'. They're not the ones actively murdering and beating and doing all the bad shit. But they do just kinda stand around while it happens and don't do much.
We need them, for now, to at least not make things worse, but what we really need is to fucking change things from the bottom up. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it is likely too late. Such change will take two or three decades, and that's if, in this next election, enough people actually rally together to start doing something, and continue doing something for the next thirty years.
I feel the reference went over your head...
You know, eventually, after we've seen enough of this shit, I feel like there's a point we have to ask...will no one rid us of these turbulent justices?
Perhaps foolishly, I got rid of most of my older systems 20 years ago, so the oldest one I have left is my Sega Genesis.
Become orphan. Get adopted by both.
In small (population-wise) rural areas like that, where positions are running uncontested or only contested in the primary, it's actually possible individuals could make a difference. But there's some caveats.
If the area is extremely Republican and would never vote for a Democrat, don't run as one. Unlike in races like President and Senate, independent and third party are actual choices at this level, they're not simply false choices.
An individual could find some local issue that matters to a lot of people in the area but seems to be being ignored. Talk to neighbors, local people, etc, figure out what they're upset about that actually falls under the purview of local or state government, then make that the core of your platform.
As long as you're not officially listed as a Democrat, you're not platforming on things that the locals would never vote for (and you probably couldn't do anything about anyway in the lower office you're running for) and you've actually done some local research and found an issue that a significant number of people in your area are upset about, you actually have a chance. You'd probably lose, but there's a real chance.
Too fucking bad? The purpose of IP was to give the public access to novel ideas and art, not to increase the control creators had over it.