Could you elaborate? I've switched just to check it out and never moved back.
Why? I mean Gigabyte sucks balls but this stuff happens with thermal pads everywhere and it's not hurting anything.
Imagine being bored and be like "I'll make a jar in a jar" and then somehow make someone laugh a couple of centuries later.
I mean they're starting to implement car-less city centers. Im all for it! Have a big (free) car park near a train/metro station and take public transport into the center.
All the comments are fun and games but they could've used aluminium which is way cheaper. It's nothing more than a marketing gimmick.
I know both but didn't know this. Why and how is it?
Maybe try Rufus and make sure you use MBR for compatibility?
Most Firefox forks can use Firefox sync but that also has privacy implications
Turn him upside down and you can hit him wherever.
Maybe try a different program. It might not use the right partitioning or boot scheme.
How did you make the USB?
My government ID app works fine. Maybe try it first?