Spying on American fruit harvesting techniques
Are you a climate change denier or one of these that wants it to happen?
Hydro is a fantastic power source and a vital part of the transition from fossil fuels. If you look at the list of selected projects they're all pretty decent and benefit local economies as well as the national energy strategy.
Yes it would be nice if Biden could wave a magic wand and change America into a socialist utopia but the reality is he has to work in the system that exists and which a disappointing majority continue to want to exist.
No it's not an actual thing lol, it's funny because it's absurd
About 27 bees, assuming we're talking the new spring of 2024 giant bees
I'm sure most of us here had 1 day blinding stew as kids when we were naughty and it never did us any harm.
Metaverse isn't doing too terribly, earnings are up the only reason we see headlines about huge losses is because money from other departments is going into research and development which is actually a pretty healthy business model when done right.
Meta have done great stuff making a lot of the most useful open source ai tools, I think it's possible zuck is just a bored little rich robot that wants to live in the future.
There's a common thing parents do though where they don't notice the point they lose total control, or lose control totally.
It's almost impossible to keep kids from the internet, they can't stop prisoners getting phones in so what hope do parents have? How do you stop them using an account accessed by school computers, a secret second phone brought second hand or even worse brought for them by a creepy guy online. And if you block the services you know of it'll push them into ones you've never heard of, unmoderated and dangerous places.
And of course there's the dream of trust but none of us tell our parents everything, especially when we've already gone too far and are embarrassed we broke the trust.
If you as a kid are going to miss out on what feels like everything that's happening with your friends then you'll find a way. Or you'll get bullied at school by groups the form online and with online memes.
There needs to be safe places that kids can access social media, just saying they can't until they're a certain age won't work and if it did then it sets them up for a lot of issues on their first day.
A lot of it is down to parents to teach internet skills and awareness, it's also down to major platforms that target kids as a key audience to ensure there are effective systems in place to combat and avoid negative situations which might result in a child being harmed.
That's exactly what someone who doesn't want me climbing into storm drains would say
I want a nice simple video game dialogue box 'sleep 6 hours', 'sleep until rested' they can put it with the thing that shows what bits of me are actually injured so I don't need to irrationality worry that I've broken my leg or developed a rare super infection without noticing. Maybe a note on negative buffs how to remove them? 'your brain is foggy, it's not anaemia or anything you just need to drink some water and stretch your legs for a bit'
How much exp I need to level up skills would be good too, like I'd be able to practice for ages if I could see the number getting close to the level up mark
Most people love YouTube, I know it doesn't feel like it when you're inside the Lemmy bubble but the big tech companies are far more popular than anything we like