Both are responsible.
Corporations are not people but they are made of people. People who will do whatever it takes to make profit, which means meeting demand.
Demand is created by consumers. Without people willing to pay the corporations that do terrible things to meet their demand, the terrible things would cease to be profitable.
Both are responsible. Corporations will not stop doing bad things if bad things bring more profit. That’s why it’s on consumers to be more mindful of what bad things they are financially supporting.
The action is taken by the big guys but only because millions of little guys are paying them to do it. They don’t need to care about taking the blame if doing so still rewards them with profit.
The point is, they are fueled by money. That money comes from people who demand what they offer. If they don't profit from the demand, they're not going to keep supplying.
Every purchase we all make came from somewhere. Researching every little detail of everything we buy is mentally taxing and just not feasible, and most people depend on products that are unethically produced. Often times alternatives are unfeasible or inconvenient, so we accept the unethical things in exchange for our personal needs/wants.
We are ALL the problem. Yes, corporations are a big problem. So are the people who buy what they sell. It's easy to do absolutely nothing and blame someone else. It's hard to accept being a part of the machine and not only advocate for others to help change, but also change oneself.
Change needs to come from ALL directions. It will not come if people just cry about evil CEOs while said evil CEOs are still making bank off of the very same people that are crying. They're still getting the only thing they actually care about from the exchange. Profit.